Author Topic: Drama. A little surprised.  (Read 406 times)

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Drama. A little surprised.
« on: November 11, 2020, 11:38:56 AM »
I was PMed and told how to run my fantasy DNHL team by a long time DNHL owner.
Then when I tried to reply, I noticed I was Blocked?????? The guy Blocked me. Oh wow.

Here's my reply to said fantasy keyboard troll.

WOW. Would you like to run my fantasy team? I've been in DNHL for 2 weeks.
Why don't you let the new guy get a few decent players for a change??

You've clearly grown used to bad owners who don't know hockey.

Fantasy. Keep it light and fun.
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Offline King Boseman

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Re: Drama. A little surprised.
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2020, 11:43:56 AM »
Just so you read what I received as a PM

Quote from: DELETED NAME
These petty 0.2m raises on free agents with 30 minutes left on the clock is getting old.

Your not going to make any friends in this league with weak crap like that.

Don't send me any messages or trade requests in the future.

Ouch! I thought guys were here to compete and have fun, not bully new owners into towing the line and living with a crappy roster.

Hey, if competition from a new guy is too much I can leave. No worries.
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Re: Drama. A little surprised.
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2020, 04:37:05 PM »
Maybe chalk it up to the Pandemic combined with the high emotions of possibly losing out on a getting a player they felt could help their team.  I'd like to picture Pens GM Jim Rutherford sending a box of exploding cigars or something to rival GMs that got one over on him. 

There is bound to be a bit of people getting pissed off here.  I can say that it happens very rarely.

Stay and get into the groove of the league.
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Re: Drama. A little surprised.
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2020, 09:59:28 PM »
To be clear, I'm not here to bed anyone or ask anyone to prom. I'm here to compete and have a good time.
So if my 2 re-ups hurt someone's feelings, it will have to be what it is.

I'm just surprised a guy who's been in this league for years and has clearly fleeced a few non-hockey owners is worried or even irritated by the newest owner re-upping a free agent. I have personally never encountered such a reaction. Only happened once to him so I feel the hate mail is extreme and honestly unwarranted.

Honestly, if winning a free agent at a heavily discounted rate means that much to side individual, please post here you want me to lay off so you don't have to pay free market price on a fantasy free agent, and I'll step aside on the bidding. Deal?

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Re: Drama. A little surprised.
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2020, 12:22:41 PM »
I'm pretty sure everyone can see my comment on the chat board and put two and two together and know you are talking about me. So I'll take the bait, we can have this conversation in public. I got nothing to hide and I don't really care to have another person publicly shame me for a message that wasn't all that bad.

To be clear, I'm not here to bed anyone or ask anyone to prom. I'm here to compete and have a good time.
So if my 2 re-ups hurt someone's feelings, it will have to be what it is.
I'm glad you are here to compete. I prefer to be in a league with competent and competitive owners. We've had alot of good smart GMs in the league over the years and we've had some really crappy ones (*Cough* Gilly *Cough*). I have nothing against competition. The bad GMs don't usually hang around very long and you hope they don't ruin a franchise when they are here.

You probably have no idea what I have going on in my life right now and you probably don't really care. I have obligations outside of this league that take up quite a bit of my time. So when I see an owner price enforce and bump my bid by 0.2m in the last 30 minutes I'm going to be annoyed. I see it as being an inconsiderate GM. I have to spend another 2+ days watching the board and rebidding on a guy just because you thought I was getting too good of a deal. Thats 2+ days of time in my real life. I have every reason to be annoyed by that.

And I'm not saying you did anything illegal. Everything you did was 100% in the rules. There is a certain etiquette in this league (and on this site) that alot of GMs follow. I'm not trying to shame the new guy and make you fall in line. But when you do things outside of an established norm its going to ruffle some feathers. I can tell you right now if Rob or Gypsie had done the same thing to me I'd have been just as annoyed and angry as I was to you. Now that I know late bids might happen I'll have to take that into account and show a little more patience when that happens.

I'm just surprised a guy who's been in this league for years and has clearly fleeced a few non-hockey owners is worried or even irritated by the newest owner re-upping a free agent. I have personally never encountered such a reaction. Only happened once to him so I feel the hate mail is extreme and honestly unwarranted.

So I feel this is a really BOLD statement to make for a guy who has only been in the league for a couple of weeks. Are you making the statement that I have fleeced people based on my roster and how good my team is? Or are you making that statement with some real factual proof? I'd appreciate it if you don't say bald faced lies about me. I take real offense to that. I'll stand behind every transaction I have made in this league. I know exactly how I acquired every player on my team. I've been in the league a long time and I've made some good trades and some bad ones. I've made good draft picks and bad ones. So don't run my name thru the mud unless you have some proof to back your statements up. You can build a good team in this league and not fleece other owners.

And as far as the "hate mail" goes I don't think anything I said was bad. I told you I didn't really care for the late bids, that others in the league will probably have the same reaction and I don't want to talk to you or have any communication with you anymore. I probably could have said it a little more eloquently but in the heat of the moment that's how it came out. I don't see any hate in that, just facts. There's nothing in the rules saying I have to be your friend or that I can't block you. There have been other owners in the league in the past that I didn't care for and didn't talk to. You aren't the first and you won't be the last.

And to be accurate it didn't happen just once it happened twice. You upped my bid on Cam Atkinson with 37 minutes left on the clock. That one was in the main part of free agency so probably a strategic issue with having 5 bids open. But a Bid that late will annoy me at anytime. The Perron bid with 6 hours on the clock didn't really upset me as that is still alot of time on the clock and he was a decent value at that point still. It was the Brown bid with 40 minutes on the clock and you bumped it by 0.2m that really set me off. FA was winding down and there wasn't more then 6 players on the board at that time. So you can't play that off as a strategic 5 bid issue. That was just a late price enforcement bid. Don't wait until 40 minutes left to bump a guy when there is no one else being bid on. If you want the player up your bid and go for him. Don't waste two days of my time.

Honestly, if winning a free agent at a heavily discounted rate means that much to side individual, please post here you want me to lay off so you don't have to pay free market price on a fantasy free agent, and I'll step aside on the bidding. Deal?

I don't need you or anyone else to let me get free agents below market value to compete in this league. Free agency in this league is a free market and supply/demand will set the value of a player. Everyone has different ideas of what a player is truly worth and what they are trying to do with their team.

This whole thing isn't about the players. The late bids I see as being inconsiderate so I can have a negative reaction to those. If you want to be an ultra competitive GM and be the almighty free agent market enforcer more power to you. But when you play that role and do inconsiderate things you should expect people to get annoyed have a reaction. Don't do things like that and then come back and pretend to be the innocent new GM and say things like "keep it light and fun".

Just so you read what I received as a PM

Ouch! I thought guys were here to compete and have fun, not bully new owners into towing the line and living with a crappy roster.

Hey, if competition from a new guy is too much I can leave. No worries.

I'm glad you are here and we have a competent GM for that team. Its going nothing to do with you being new and making you tow the line. I hope you improve the roster and compete. It seems like you have a plan and vision for that team which is great to see. To be completely honest I'm not afraid of the competition. Bring it on. This league is a tough one to win. You have to make alot of really good decisions for a couple of years and then get some luck in the playoffs to pull off a championship.

That my two cents. Now lets just agree to disagree and move on from all of this.
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