Author Topic: NFL LIVE LEAGUE HANDBOOK  (Read 5994 times)

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Offline Daddy

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« on: August 10, 2021, 05:05:12 PM »
You are invited in this league to try to win. If not? There are other football leagues on site more suited to your fantasy sports vision.
You can find them here.

Our mission is for our GMs to simply run the franchise they have chosen the best they can. The league will run the league. If you like to follow league transactions you can find them here..http://www.profsl.com/smf/index.php?board=4031.0

NFL LIVE teams on fantrax are privately funded & we are only looking for LIVE GMs.
Is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week from the start of the actual NFL League Year until the ACTUAL NFL trade DEADLINE.
When they stop trading. We stop trading.
Cash cannot be exchange during trades.
Trades are approved or vetoed based on the 3 panel vote of the League Office & processed immediately after majority vote. Trades are between the trading parties & the league. Competition has no vote.

NFL LIVE TRADING http://www.profsl.com/smf/index.php?topic=393914.0
NFL League Year exact every year. When NFL business opens our business opens.
All Draft Picks (current & next season) are eligible to be traded at that time.

It's 11 on 11 football. 1 kicker 1 punter.
Teams can play 3-4, 4-3, or 3-3-5 (nickle) Defenses.

Offensive lineman are not scored & therefore not rostered or drafted. We allow flex opportunity where C-G-T would play on an actual field.

Scoring formula is multifaceted geared towards rewarding game defining plays while scoring every aspect of actual on field football.

In season tie breakers for playoffs will follow NFL tie breaker formats. (Only if needed overall fantasy points would be the deciding tie breaker.)

5yr deal must be at least $10m AAV
4yr deal must be at least $5.5m AAV
3yr deal must be at least $1m AAV
ALL DENOMINATIONS can be 1 or 2 years.
NFL LIVE FAs signed to 1yr deals cannot be resigned before NFL Week 10.
You can exceed next years cap during the off-season.
All teams must be cap compliant by 9/1/start of season.
Further Explanation:
NFL LIVE teams have a cap ceiling that fluctuates with the actual NFL's cap every year. This is not fully identified until the next NFL League year begins.

Teams can be $50m over the cap or any denomination during the off-season however by 9/1 (start of NFL LIVE FA) if your team is over the cap the league will cut players for you until you are not. [Addressed in the penalty section further down the handbook]
Moving of cap hits, funds, cash, any form of currency movement or minipulation is not allowed.

Player Contracts that are resigned will start the following season from 1yr extensions up to term limit extensions.
Extension values are based on the highest ranking of the last season with accrued statistics including the current season.
Only contracts in the last year are eligible to be extended. Contracts that expire have no off-season grace period. Expired contracts become Unrestricted FA.
*The deadline to resign expiring contracts is the end of the actual NFL Regular Season. The final whistle of the final game.


1   QB   55M 5YR MAX
2   QB   50M 5YR MAX
3   QB   49M 5YR MAX
4   QB   48M 5YR MAX
5   QB   47M 5YR MAX
6   QB   46M 5YR MAX
7   QB   45M 5YR MAX
8   QB   44M 5YR MAX
9   QB   42M 5YR MAX
10 QB   40M 5YR MAX
11-19 QB 30M 5YR MAX
20-32 QB 20M 5YR MAX
33-35 QB 10M 5YR MAX
36-49 QB 5M 3YR MAX
50+ QB 1M 3YR MAX

1   RB   $15M 5YR MAX
2   RB   $14M 5YR MAX
3   RB   $13M 5YR MAX
4   RB   $12M 5YR MAX
5   RB   $11M 5YR MAX
6   RB   $10M 5YR MAX
7   RB   $9M 4YR MAX
8   RB   $8M 4YR MAX
9   RB   $7M 4YR MAX
10 RB   $6M 4YR MAX
11-20 RB  $5M 3YR MAX
21-32 RB $4M 3YR MAX
33-64 RB $2M 3YR MAX
65+ RB 500K 2YR MAX

1   WR   $20M 5YR MAX
2   WR   $19M 5YR MAX
3   WR   $18M 5YR MAX
4   WR   $17M 5YR MAX
5   WR   $16M 5YR MAX
6   WR   $15M 5YR MAX
7   WR   $14M 5YR MAX
8   WR   $13M 5YR MAX
9   WR   $12M 5YR MAX
10 WR   $11M 5YR MAX
11-15 WR $10M 5YR MAX
16-20 WR  $9M 4YR MAX
21-32 WR $8M 4YR MAX
33-40 WR $7M 4YR MAX
41-48 WR $6M 4YR MAX
49-64 WR $5M 3YR MAX
65-96 WR $2M 3YR MAX
97-128 WR $1M 3YR MAX
129+ WR $500K 2YR MAX

1   TE  $20M 5YR MAX
2   TE   $18M 5YR MAX
3   TE   $16M 5YR MAX
4   TE   $14M 5YR MAX
5   TE   $12M 5YR MAX
6-10  TE   $10M 5YR MAX
11-20 TE $8M 4YR MAX
21-32 TE $6M 4YR MAX
33-48 TE  $2M 3YR MAX
49-64 TE $1M 3YR MAX
65+ TE $500K 2YR MAX

1.  DE  $20M 5YR MAX
2.  DE  $19M 5YR MAX
3.  DE  $18M 5YR MAX
4.  DE  $17M 5YR MAX
5.  DE  $16M 5YR MAX
6.  DE $14M 5YR MAX
7   DE $13M 5YR MAX
8   DE $12M 5YR MAX
9   DE $11M 5YR MAX
10 DE  $10M 5YR MAX
11-15. DE $9M 4YR MAX
16-32. DE $8M 4YR MAX
33-48. DE $6M 4YR MAX
49-64. DE $3M 3YR MAX
65-128 DE $1M 3YR MAX
129+ DE $50OK 2YR MAX

1   DT $25M 5YR MAX
2   DT  $20M 5YR MAX
3   DT  $16M 5YR MAX
4   DT   $14M 5YR MAX
5   DT   $10M 5YR MAX
6-10 DT $8M 4YR MAX
11-15 DT $7M 4YR MAX
16-20 DT $6M 4YR MAX
21-32 DT $5M 3YR MAX
33-64 DT $3M 3YR MAX
65-96 DT $1M 3YR MAX
97+ DT $500K 2YR MAX

1   LB   $25M 5YR MAX
2   LB   $24.5M 5YR MAX
3   LB   $24M 5YR MAX
4   LB   $23.5M 5YR MAX
5   LB   $23M 5YR MAX
6   LB   $22.5M 5YR MAX
7   LB   $22M 5YR MAX
8   LB   $21.5M 5YR MAX
9   LB   $21M 5YR MAX
10   LB  $20.5M 5YR MAX
11   LB  $20M 5YR MAX
12   LB   $19.5M 5YR MAX
13   LB   $19M 5YR MAX
14   LB   $18M 5YR MAX
15   LB   $17M 5YR MAX
16   LB   $16M 5YR MAX
17   LB   $15M 5YR MAX
18   LB   $14M 5YR MAX
19   LB   $13M 5YR MAX
20   LB    $12M 5YR MAX
21-32 LB $11M 5YR MAX
33-64 LB $10M 5YR MAX
65-96 LB $8M 4YR MAX
97-128  LB $6M 4YR MAX
129-256 LB $2M 3YR MAX
257+ LB $500k 2YR MAX

1   CB   $20M 5YR MAX
2   CB   $19M 5YR MAX
3   CB  $18M 5YR MAX
4   CB   $17M 5YR MAX
5   CB   $16M 5YR MAX
6   CB   $15M 5YR MAX
7   CB   $14M 5YR MAX
8   CB  $13M 5YR MAX
9   CB   $12M 5YR MAX
10 CB   $11M 5YR MAX
11-15 CB $10M 5YR MAX
16-20 CB  $9M 4YR MAX
21-32 CB $8M 4YR MAX
33-40 CB $7M 4YR MAX
41-48 CB $6M 4YR MAX
49-64 CB $5M 3YR MAX
65-96 CB $2M 3YR MAX
97-128 CB $1M 3YR MAX
129+ CB $500K 2YR MAX

1   S   $20M 5YR MAX
2   S   $19M 5YR MAX
3   S  $18M 5YR MAX
4   S  $17M 5YR MAX
5   S  $16M 5YR MAX
6   S  $15M 5YR MAX
7   S  $14M 5YR MAX
8   S  $13M 5YR MAX
9   S   $12M 5YR MAX
10 S   $11M 5YR MAX
11-15 S $10M 5YR MAX
16-20 S  $9M 4YR MAX
21-32 S $8M 4YR MAX
33-40 S $7M 4YR MAX
41-48 S $6M 4YR MAX
49-64 S $5M 3YR MAX
65-96 S $2M 3YR MAX
97-128 S $1M 3YR MAX
129+ S $500K 2YR MAX

1   K   $8M 4YR MAX
2   K   $7M 4YR MAX
3   K   $6M 4YR MAX
4-10 K   $5M 3YR MAX
11-32 K $4M 3YR MAX
33+ K $500K 2YR MAX

1   P   $6M 4YR MAX
2   P   $5M 4YR MAX
3   P  $4M 3YR MAX
4-10 P  $3M 3YR MAX
11-32 P $2M 3YR MAX
33+ P $500K 2YR MAX
Only players listed in the "NFL LIVE Draft Pool" are eligible for the "NFL LIVE Draft". Unlisted rookies are automatic FA.
Wages are determined by "our" NFL LIVE Draft results:

NFL LIVE draftees will earn in order of selection:

Round 1
1:   $12.5m 5yrs
2:   $11.5m 5yrs
3:   $11.0m 5yrs
4:   $10.5m 5yrs
5 - 10 = $10m 5yrs
11 - 14 =  $8.0m 4yrs
15 - 20 = $7.5m 4yrs
21 - 25 = $7.0m 4yrs
26 - 32 =  $6.5m 4yrs

Round 2
33 - 39 = $3.5m 3yrs
40 - 49 = $3.0m 3yrs
50 - 64 = $2.5m 3yrs

Round 3
$2.0m 3yrs

Round 4
$1.5m 3yrs

Round 5
$1.0m 3yrs

Round 6 & 7 & PSC
$0.5m 2yrs

"PSC" carries a $500k cap count when on the active 53 Man roster and all "PSC" players are marked as to be clear & visible on our Google Doc SS.

Practice Squad players can be signed to standard NFL Contracts (2 yrs $500k) at any time by the teams GM prior to the players 18th game played. [GM's post this as a transaction]

ONLY DESIGNATED 6th & 7th round draftees ($500K) would qualify for "PSC" designation. [GM's post this as a transaction]
Note* Rookie 1st thru 5th round NFL LIVE draftees are on NFL contracts that are $1m or above & are not PSC eligible.
***********Example: ************
Bears have 10 players designated PSC.
(7 on the PS + 3 on the 53 man rosters)
Bears can bid 6 PSC contracts in FA at one time max. Not to ever exceed 16 total in players/offers combined.***********

PSC Practice Squad contract = $500K (N/A) till 18th game played.
At the "start of" 18th game PSC becomes final year at $500k & can no longer be placed on PS. Player must be extended or be released by the end of that current season.

A PSC contract is the ONLY CONTRACT that allows a player to be placed on a teams Practice Squad.

Free Agency
FA Starts: 9/1/Every Year 8PM EST
Teams can only bid what they have available.

Open Roster spot required for any FA bid.
Finances must be available to back any bid or open bids in combination.

Any team with an illegal roster cannot make an eligible bid.

Every teams SS should be up to date. Please post any and all discrepancy between your fantrax and your SS.

Failure to have a legal roster both on fantrax and profsl by 9/1 (NFL LIVE FA) means you cannot make a legal bid until the roster is legal.

Fantrax will tell you why your roster is illegal for scoring.

The SS tells you financial and roster integrity legality.
Both must be in harmony prior to 9/1 start of every season.

24 hours as highest bidder wins the bid.

Ends: NFL Week 13

Eligible Players:
All players currently in the NFL not on an  NFL LIVE team.
[no college or HS players]

Bid Clock: 24 Hours
Minimum initial bid: $500K or PSC
Minimum yearly salary: $500K
Minimum Bid Increment: $500K until $50M+ total. $5M when @ $50M+ total.
$1M > $1.5M > $2M
$50M > $55M > $60M
No editing of bids is permitted. Make note these are Minimum bid increments, bids may be raised above minimums.

Player Posting
To make it easier to search the board, post players in the following format.
Position - First Last - Team
Example:  QB - Jalen Hurts - PHI
This will make the board look clean and organized.

After a bid is won.
The contract must be specified or the league will specify it after 24 hours.

*Will be awarded immediately as long as the bid is first to be valid
Player must be on PSC contract to be on Practice Squad.
[only eligible players qualify may not exceed 16 TOTAL players/offers]

There is no bonus pool. The first valid "PSC" bid is the only valid bid for practice squad eligibility.

Releasing Players Under Contract
All contracts are non-binding, you may release a player at any time.

Suspended players can be released at 100%/X X X X of current contract.

Retired Players = no cap hit to release
New Ownership = no cap hit to release

Placing A Player On Injured Reserve
[Will only gain a team roster spot on the active 53 Man Roster. Cap Salary still applies.]
*Players only qualify for IR when on the actual NFL IR.

Are at the discretion of the league & subject to majority vote.

Being over the salary cap:
24hours to get under cap on your own.
After 24hours the league will get you under the cap. Mandatory Release will start with the highest paid players until the team is cap compliant.

The league will fix & optimize rosters on fantrax when needed. Failure to maximize your own roster can lead to anything from cap penalties to replacing you as a GM.

The league wants you to run your teams operations. Every aspect. If we have to do it for you, we should both consider other options.

For any clarifications or feedback please contact the league office of moderators.

COPY: (@Daddy , Owner
@Jwalkerjr88 , CEO
@Billy , Spreadsheet Coordinator)



         BODY:    HELLO!


In memorandum:
The NFL LIVE Championship game is in dedication to "jojowalkwalk" League Founder.

The NFL LIVE MVP award is in dedication to "papps" NFL LIVE Hall of Famer.

Thank you NFL LIVE

« Last Edit: August 13, 2023, 02:13:00 AM by Daddy »
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"I have won almost every league I've ever joined across 4 sports & multiple sites. No need listing them all." -@Daddy

Daily Fantasy Sports (better to be lucky then good) 
Is nothing like
Dynasty Fantasy Sports (better to be good then lucky)


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  • Daddy: Let me ask you... What has any other hockey league done in the last 24 hours?
    Yesterday at 02:33:00 AM
  • Daddy: Including the NHL
    Yesterday at 02:33:40 AM
  • Daddy: This LIVE Crap is next level. See for yourself.
    Yesterday at 02:34:21 AM
  • Braves155: Morning LIVE Fanatics
    Yesterday at 09:39:56 AM
  • Braves155: Who's round today for talks? I did receive a few PMs, so I'll respond to those shortly
    Yesterday at 01:17:33 PM
  • STLBlues91: I am always around
    Yesterday at 01:19:42 PM
  • Braves155: Is there an NHL LIVE spreadsheet?
    Yesterday at 01:22:30 PM
  • STLBlues91: Yeah its the NHL Live Rosters LINK
    Yesterday at 01:44:36 PM
  • Daddy: I keep forgetting to link the icons. My bad.
    Yesterday at 01:55:13 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: Champions League final today
    Yesterday at 02:20:42 PM
  • indiansnation: Jim w pm
    Yesterday at 06:58:32 PM
  • indiansnation: Braves155 pm
    Yesterday at 06:59:45 PM
  • Braves155: Replied
    Yesterday at 07:01:58 PM
  • Mt_Crushmore: Shout out to Daddy for putting this NHL LIVE.
    Yesterday at 07:33:38 PM
  • Mt_Crushmore: Round of applause to the team of admins
    Yesterday at 07:35:27 PM
  • Braves155: PM Crushmore
    Yesterday at 07:56:05 PM
  • indiansnation: Braves155 pm
    Yesterday at 08:07:50 PM
  • indiansnation: Hey Pittsburgh looking to move remaining picks in 2024 and 2025 NHL live
    Yesterday at 08:09:10 PM
  • Daddy: The NHL LIVE DRAFT is 3 DAYS AFTER the NHL Draft. Get those rosters ready for your picks.
    Yesterday at 08:27:41 PM
  • Daddy: We hit the ground running lol
    Yesterday at 08:28:36 PM
  • indiansnation: Alpha5 pm
    Yesterday at 08:35:08 PM
  • indiansnation: Braves155 pm
    Yesterday at 09:06:59 PM
  • Mt_Crushmore: Tampa Bay Lightning open for offers. Looking for LW/RW.
    Yesterday at 09:14:08 PM
  • STLBlues91: Im around the rest of the night for any trades
    Yesterday at 11:03:43 PM
  • Daddy: If i don't have offers in my inbox for baseball, there are messages from football or hockey. Its the profsl experience ive been wanting.
    Today at 12:07:26 AM
  • Daddy: Excited for NBA
    Today at 12:07:45 AM
  • STLBlues91: Im just looking at the draft prospects this and next year figuring out my plan
    Today at 12:08:08 AM
  • STLBlues91: Im ready for that expansion draft
    Today at 12:08:19 AM
  • Daddy: Yeah so about that. One team get first pick in the expansion draft. The other gets first pick in the amateur draft.
    Today at 12:10:24 AM
  • STLBlues91: Yeah figured that was how it would be
    Today at 12:11:15 AM
  • Daddy: I could flip a coin but nobody but me would see it. So a number has been selected between 1-32. You are both getting pms along with the two other mods.
    Today at 12:12:09 AM
  • STLBlues91: Sounds good. When you thinking this will occur
    Today at 12:12:41 AM
  • Daddy: Whomever guesses closer to the number gets the 1st overall pick in the amateur draft. The other picks first in expansion.
    Today at 12:13:04 AM
  • Daddy: Im getting it out the way tomorrow
    Today at 12:13:49 AM
  • Daddy: Ive got the tools now to build the matrix and the league.
    Today at 12:14:20 AM
  • STLBlues91: Sounds good, I will be thinking of a solid number
    Today at 12:15:05 AM
  • Daddy: Best get to building it.
    Today at 12:15:32 AM
  • Daddy: Honestly idk why the NBA doesn't do it that way for expanding. Two teams at a time. Expansion draft to amateur draft. I think the idea is fresh and its execution will be pretty dope. ;)
    Today at 12:25:15 AM
  • jimw: I think the NBA goes one team at a time to give the one team a better talent pool in the expansion draft and also to keep the teams from complaining about losing more players
    Today at 01:25:47 AM
  • Daddy: Thats fair
    Today at 01:27:48 AM
  • BayAreaBallers: that makes sense
    Today at 01:32:38 AM
  • Daddy: I mean they only losing one guy anyway tho. We expose 10 players, protect 5 players, each team, all 30 will lose one player.
    Today at 01:36:30 AM
  • Daddy: The expansion teams will then both have 15 players heading into the amateur draft with picks #1 & #2.
    Today at 01:37:43 AM
  • Daddy: Each other team will still have 14 players and one first round pick.
    Today at 01:38:26 AM
  • Daddy: They need to hire me is what they need to do :rofl:
    Today at 01:38:53 AM
  • Daddy: Yeah you lose a guy to the expansion draft. Likely your 6th man. Then the very next day you draft his replacement and keep it moving.
    Today at 01:40:25 AM
  • STLBlues91: Daddy quick question in your messages
    Today at 01:44:14 AM
  • Daddy: We are good to go.:toth:
    Today at 02:01:09 AM
  • jimw: I think in the Bobcat expansion each team could protect 8 players. And I think the bobcats has to take at least 14 so half the league didn't even lose a player.
    Today at 02:09:14 AM
  • jimw: That was a long time ago though
    Today at 02:09:59 AM