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Angels select

308 Rays.  Aaron Griffin RHP

Armchair Fantasy Baseball: Archives / Re: Rosters
« on: January 04, 2014, 01:54:59 PM »
Chris send me the rosters you have and I will be glad to handle them.  Just title me Chief of Roster Operations. 

Shane were you able to view the file I uploaded straight to the board for download?

Yes, I could.

They look great, good job.

Armchair Fantasy Baseball: Archives / Re: Rosters
« on: January 04, 2014, 01:08:08 PM »
Either way, we need to come to a resolution of the roster issue.  I don't have excel which makes my updating these sheets not possible.  Things that aren't absolutely necessary to distinguish a player are just superfluous for these sheets in my opinion.  I have no interest in looking up the birthdates of 6 or 700 draftees because 5 or 10 players in the whole league may have duplicate names.  As long as the appropriate player is given to the appropriate team in FanTrax I think birthdates are a time consuming luxury.

This league has been in existence two seasons and the Commish role has been a revolving door.  The reason for this is undoubtedly the large amount of time to maintain all of these types of things.  So when there are things that take an extraordinary amount of time that don't have a significant impact then we can either ditch those things or we need more of a group effort to handle them.  This is why I proposed the fixed arbitration and simpler rosters. 

If we can't resolve this then free agency won't begin on time and the season may be pushed back.

I agree. This is why I think it would make he most sense to delegate a lot of the tasks. I know we sort of had an executive committee for Fantrax but I think we need something like that for the league. For example a head commissioner to oversee everything and verify some peoples work from time to time to make sure nothing funny is going on and have a few tasks they do themselves (Chris) and then a group of people to handle different areas. For example, I already volunteered to do the extensions. Now that rosters are updated on fantrax we could have 1 or 2 people be in charge of updating fantrax rosters when trades/FA/Promotions happen. We could have one person in charge of updating the roster spreadsheets once that gets up to speed. 2 people in charge of updating draft, etc. Then get people to help on short term projects as needed like when a group of us helped with the fantrax rosters.

Identify the tasks and delegate them out to a group of 3-5 people that are on here fairly consistently and willing to help.

A sort of executive committee that is overseen by the commish would help a lot I think.

As far as the rosters, I like the DOB. it happens with more than a few players and not just duplicate names. A lot of names on rosters are something like billy jones when on bbref it is William jones and it helps to ensure it's the correct player.

Anyways, I'm all for the setup Jss0062 has going up. It's just hard to read. I agree the handedness is somewhat superfluous and I would understand if he didn't want to include it for workload.

Armchair Fantasy Baseball: Archives / Re: Rosters
« on: January 04, 2014, 03:41:08 AM »
I would like to add that the team counts on the top of my roster are done by a count formula. The roster limits are still easily counted this way while still adding an easier view of positional depth and simplifying promotion processing.  To me just changing one cell's value when promoting is much easier than and leaves less room for error than cutting and pasting.

 Also I have the ages self updating as well as hyperlinks to each players baseball reference page.

Yeah I notice that now. I suppose I am fine with it how you have it in that regard. I love the self updating ages. I guess my only critique then is it is a bit hard to read. I am not very knowledgeable on these things but at least on my ipad and phone it is a bit grainy and hard to read. Also would prefer a vertical format like past rosters instead of individual horizontal pages.

Sorry if I am being nitpicky, just my opinion. I am thankful for everybody's hard work.

Armchair Fantasy Baseball: Archives / Re: Rosters
« on: January 03, 2014, 09:07:23 PM »
here is what my personal roster looks like.

link should work now

Personally, I like this format better than Chris'

It is easier to read the contract/arb  info and I like how it list things
 like DOB,  age,  handedness, etc. It  is not uncommon  to encounter common
 names and  this info,  especially DOB,  helps identify players.

example -  David  Carpenter of the braves and angels systems.

I am not sure how I feel about organizing by position rather than minor league
 level. I like it because it makes it easier to see where you have positional depth
 in the minors but it also makes it harder to arrange players if we still have roster limits
 at each level.  This  roster setup would be nice if we just had one general minor league roster
 instead of different levels.

Armchair Fantasy Baseball: Archives / Re: Fixed Arbitration Values
« on: January 02, 2014, 09:07:00 PM »
The issue really is the time value of realism.  The last time we went through arbitration, people posted the wrong contract values 80% of the time and a lot of people didn't post any at all.  It takes a lot of time to look up every player and verify that someone did it correctly.

I can respect that. However, I  think it would really take away from the league. Maybe  we can just designate a person to find/verify the values.

I  would be willing to volunteer to be the person to verify extensions when the time comes.

Armchair Fantasy Baseball: Archives / Re: Fixed Arbitration Values
« on: January 02, 2014, 02:23:16 PM »
I agree that the current setup is a bit cumbersome.  However,  this league is supposed to be as realistic as possible. If  we do this then as a Mike Trout  owner I would be paying just as much (4M)  in the final year of arbitration as for a AAAA  type reliever. That just isn't very realistic or fair. If  we go that route then why even have arb  values? I  think it is fine the way it is.  If people use cots then it isn't that hard to get values for most every player.

It has been a couple days since the draft was updated but by my calculations the Twins and Yankees times have expired and the Angels are now OTC

Angels select

377 RHP Kyle Westwood

To be fair, we posted this trade a week or so ago and Boston confirmed.  Chris suspended all trades until rosters were available, so I reposted it with the salary info.  I can't find the old post, it's not in invalid transactions.  Boston knew the salaries of all involved players though we didn't include them in the last posting.

You are correct however he did not give an explanation or reasoning behind the trade then either. That is my issue. I don't think you are making up a trade, I believe at one point this trade was agreed upon between the two you. I also believe this was special circumstances with trades being suspended due to a lack of access to spreadsheets with commish change.

However, with a trade this seemingly lopsided, an explanation is needed in order to pass.

I have been withholding judgement waiting for BOS to confirm and give his reason for trade but it has been a while so I will just have to  :veto:

1. Simmons put up more fantasy points than Lind last year
2. Simmons plays a more premium, hard to staff defensive position
3.Simmons is significantly cheaper than Lind
4.Simmons is younger and under contract for longer than Lind
5.that doesn't even take into account Lavarnway as a toss in.

All that said, as lopsided as this seems if BOS confirms and makes a logical argument as to why he is making the trade (even if I don't agree with it), I will change my vote

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  • Daddy: I just traded my starting CF though. Thought i was done in baseball. Just when i think im out, they pull me back in.
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  • BayAreaBallers: jmntl82 hit all live leagues in blistering speed was fun to be part of the trades
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  • BayAreaBallers: oh you was in my old state i went to ASU so very familar w Arizona
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  • BayAreaBallers: what part of Az did you go to
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  • dbreer23: Flagstaff. I got a MS degree in astrophysics from NAU in the early 2000s. Met my wife towards the end of my time there, so I've been going back periodically for 20 years.
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  • BayAreaBallers: dude nice ive done snow globe in flag
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  • BayAreaBallers: *snowbowl
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  • BayAreaBallers: i did that once in college w friends went skiing
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  • dbreer23: I had friends who did a few day passes up there. I was a poor grad student tho so I stuck to hiking/beer drinking :)
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  • dbreer23: and I've never skied
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  • BayAreaBallers: oh man you should deff go once it was a great experience
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  • BayAreaBallers: we did a weekend trip when i went during long weekend
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  • jmntl82: Not all the LIVE leagues, I wish I knew hockey well enough to be in NHL LIVE
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  • jmntl82: I just started really watching this year
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  • dbreer23: same here, but I signed up anyway
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  • jmntl82: alright you talked me into it
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  • STLBlues91: Great job recruiting
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  • BayAreaBallers: Nice man
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  • Daddy: LIVE leagues will teach you. Honestly you have no choice, we throw so much information at you.
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  • Daddy: Things move so fast. Super fast.
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  • Daddy: @Mount_Crushmore & others have expressed a feeling of being overwhelmed the first season. He said now he is truly ready. BAB expressed similar thoughts. Took him two years.
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  • Daddy: Year 1 and 2 are usually growth years. If you make it to season 3. You should be an animal by then. Some guys come in as animals. I like those guys.
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  • Daddy: In hockey I got a GM in Florida. Calls herself YurMOM. First and only LIVE female GM right now. Never been on profsl. Never been in dynasty.
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  • Daddy: She gonna put foots to yall. Watch :rofl:
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  • STLBlues91: Psychpop check messages on here about your posts in NHL Live
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  • BayAreaBallers: thats a funny user
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  • indiansnation: Hey if u guys have indians prospects get ready for the next player to get called up soon Jhonkensy Noel
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  • indiansnation: He is tearing it up in minors
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  • jmntl82: Hopefully not like Wander
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  • BayAreaBallers: wowww
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  • BayAreaBallers: what a joke
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  • jmntl82: too soon
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  • STLBlues91: Yeah you should of waited a few years
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  • BayAreaBallers: Like wander should have
    Today at 03:33:18 AM
  • jmntl82: Okay see I was hoping someone would say that lol ^^
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  • BayAreaBallers: Hahaha
    Today at 03:41:49 AM
  • BayAreaBallers: jmntl82 it was only fitting
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