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Messages - Drew

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Backyard NHL / Re: Blues will not return
« on: April 06, 2022, 03:03:10 AM »
This was what we tried to do with this league. Make it the most realistic as possible.

It?s just too much work to keep it running the way it is setup.  I was involved in building and help run this league in the beginning 6+ years.  It?s a lot of work. Jmtrops will need at least 2 others helpers to make it work. I appreciate what he and others have done.

Too bad most of the people here didn?t get to experience how the league was in the beginning.
TONY! The glory days of BNHL were the :soapbox: but unfortunately not something many of us are able to keep up with anymore :(

Sorry guys that the league has become as it has. I started this league a long long time ago and it is my little baby but unfortunately I was unable to look after it anymore. I thank everyone who has tended to it over the years. I am in favour with whatever anyone in charge or wants to be charge has to do to keep it alive but definitely hurts when my unique rule set and realism is lost.

Here is my story if you want to hear it haha. I started this league back in 2011 (almost 11 years ago!). I was a university student so obviously I wanted to keep my mind off of school work as much as possible. During those first 5 years, the league grew and developed into one of the top leagues on the site with such in depth knowledge of the owners and commitment (we rarely had turn off, like 1 or 2 teams a season). We had things like record books, statistics, weekly power rankings, a betting system, and many other things. Since my university days, I have now been a high school teacher for about 7 years and thus my amount time to the league has dramatically decreased. Add into that a few moves and now 3 kids, my time on the league and the website as a whole is nearly non-existant. BNHL was an amazing experience in my life to see something I developed and turn into something where many people enjoyed coming and chatting and competing. Thanks for all the memories within BNHL and maybe catch you all in a bar somewhere for a drink one day.

This isn't a goodbye from me but rather an official goodbye to the baby I created as it evolves into something else haha. Do what you need to keep it running the best you can as I know the time and commitment that goes into running a league of this depth and capacity.


Backyard NHL: Transactions / Re: Edmonton Move
« on: February 23, 2022, 08:28:39 PM »
Nvm, either way I'll send down Tippett

Backyard NHL: Transactions / Re: Edmonton Move
« on: February 23, 2022, 08:28:14 PM »
If I'm over roster space which I think I'm good, send down Whitecloud.

Backyard NHL: Transactions / Edmonton Move
« on: February 23, 2022, 08:22:25 PM »
Call up Caufield as IR replacement for Zucker.

Backyard NHL: Transactions / Edmonton IR
« on: February 23, 2022, 08:19:23 PM »
Place Zucker on IR :(

Backyard NHL: Completed Transactions / Re: Craig Anderson
« on: February 23, 2022, 08:18:22 PM »
IR contract for Price

Backyard NHL: Completed Transactions / Craig Anderson
« on: February 15, 2022, 04:54:56 PM »

Backyard NHL: Completed Transactions / Re: Leafs/Stars Trade
« on: January 18, 2022, 01:51:22 PM »

Backyard NHL: Completed Transactions / Edmonton IR
« on: December 29, 2021, 12:40:47 PM »
Remove Backstrom from IR and move Tippett to an IR replacement for Price.

Backyard NHL: Completed Transactions / Re: G Dustin Tokarski $3m (2021-22)
« on: December 15, 2021, 12:50:23 PM »
Just checking here. But if this was an IR contract then you can either release back to free agency or else you would have to sign him then send him down.

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  • Braves155: STLBlues, I didn't forget ya. I'll respond in short order
    Yesterday at 02:02:34 PM
  • Daddy: Trade committee is there for competitive balance? Look at every league that has one. How balanced are they?
    Yesterday at 02:02:53 PM
  • Daddy: Corey created that Crap for that exact purpose. To control who got what. And everyone copied it. Everywhere.
    Yesterday at 02:04:00 PM
  • Daddy: I tried to tell them. Im still trying to tell them. What's the word im looking for????? Oh i know... "Duhhhhhhhhhhhhh".
    Yesterday at 02:06:43 PM
  • indiansnation: Crosby on the move in nhl live
    Yesterday at 02:07:34 PM
  • Daddy: There is a league out there. In your favorite sport. Where nobody gonna hold you back. Wont be no disadvantages. No cheating. No waiting.
    Yesterday at 02:11:49 PM
  • Daddy: It ends in "LIVE" and however good we make it sound, its actually better than that.
    Yesterday at 02:12:23 PM
  • indiansnation: Braves155 trade posted
    Yesterday at 02:12:36 PM
  • Daddy: Ask someone with LIVE on their profile.
    Yesterday at 02:13:32 PM
  • Daddy: In 3 days.. Sidney Crosby, Connor McDavid, Tomas Hertl all found new teams. We are just getting started in hockey.
    Yesterday at 02:33:40 PM
  • Braves155: Who the next big name to move?
    Yesterday at 02:42:40 PM
  • Daddy: I can look at you guys profiles and tell who loves what sports. You ever looked at profile teams? Interesting.
    Yesterday at 04:48:36 PM
  • indiansnation: Bigdon pm
    Yesterday at 04:49:17 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: Is @dbreer still on the road? Got a trade offer for him
    Yesterday at 05:06:19 PM
  • Daddy: Man's on vacation. Season starts in August. The Professor will return. He is always on fantrax and gets DMs there as well.
    Yesterday at 05:15:54 PM
  • Braves155: EstcoastGonzo...when you are on, I PM'd ya on our earlier talks
    Yesterday at 05:18:18 PM
  • STLBlues91: Ill be around the rest of the day
    Yesterday at 05:21:33 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: Welp ill catch em at some point. In the mean time, looking to move up into early 2nd or late 1st. I got two 2s, three 3s, and a 4th and a 5th. Im sure we can come to a deal. Ill be here tonight
    Yesterday at 06:02:09 PM
  • jmntl82: Man where’d you get all those picks
    Yesterday at 06:10:03 PM
  • Braves155: Will also be around the rest of the day
    Yesterday at 06:18:08 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: Lol somewhat from you my friend but you are not alone
    Yesterday at 06:27:53 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: Ive traded with half the league in the past 3 months or so
    Yesterday at 06:28:09 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: My goal is to trade with every gm at least once every offseason. I typically fall short tho
    Yesterday at 06:28:46 PM
  • Daddy: I think he was referring to the Professor.
    Yesterday at 06:32:09 PM
  • Braves155: Looking to get another 1st in this NFL LIVE Draft or possibly next szn.
    Yesterday at 06:34:45 PM
  • Daddy: The NBA LIVE DRAFT LOTTERY has been completed. Congratulations to @RyanJames5 :SEA-NBA: for winning the #1 Pick in the upcoming NBA LIVE amateur draft.
    Yesterday at 06:46:34 PM
  • Daddy: You should take Bronny James. ;)
    Yesterday at 07:16:56 PM
  • Daddy: The Expansion Draft & Amateur Draft will be held on the same day. Tentatively scheduled for 9/28/24 beginning 9am EST until finished on a LIVE clock of one hour per selection before auto pick.  This is a SATURDAY to accommodate most work schedules. Please make an early note on your calendar Gentlemen.  Thank you
    Yesterday at 07:18:47 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: @Daddy there are two NFL Live trades that need your confirmation. Grind never stops
    Yesterday at 07:19:56 PM
  • Daddy: Goodness gracious. I will head over.
    Yesterday at 07:20:56 PM
  • jmntl82: Those Lions back at it again
    Yesterday at 07:23:28 PM
  • Braves155: I'm feeling the trade winds as well now in NFL LIVE. First it was NHL LIVE today for me, now it's NFL LIVE again
    Yesterday at 07:25:01 PM
  • Daddy: NFL LIVE has no off-season.
    Yesterday at 08:12:45 PM
  • Daddy: You fall behind in that league taking just about any time off of profsl or fantrax.
    Yesterday at 08:14:42 PM
  • Daddy: And as we trade in established leagues like NFL and we learn the newest league in NHL, another two LIVE leagues are quietly being born.
    Yesterday at 08:16:49 PM
  • Daddy: The NBA LIVE DRAFT LOTTERY has been completed. Congratulations to @RyanJames5 :SEA-NBA: for winning the #1 Pick in the upcoming NBA LIVE amateur draft 9/28/24!
    Yesterday at 08:17:42 PM
  • Braves155: Yep. Just wait until we start a Hooters LIVE League, then we'll really be sizzlin'
    Yesterday at 08:18:54 PM
  • Daddy: I am no longer an endorser of Hooters or strip clubs. Ive replaced such umm urges with every sport but Soccer.
    Yesterday at 08:45:34 PM
  • Daddy: And im debating Soccer.
    Yesterday at 08:45:55 PM
  • Daddy: Premier League LIVE has a nice sound to it.
    Yesterday at 08:47:12 PM
  • STLBlues91: Id have to learn some soccer
    Yesterday at 08:48:20 PM
  • Daddy: Shot out to Nurse Bubbles ;)
    Yesterday at 08:48:51 PM
  • jmntl82: I'm ready to make my first MLB LIVE trade if anyone wants to play ball
    Yesterday at 09:03:23 PM
  • Daddy: Yeah i had to give you something else to do other than football :rofl:
    Yesterday at 09:54:33 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: Premier league LIVE sign me up
    Yesterday at 10:30:12 PM
  • DaveW: Thumbs up on Premier League LIVE
    Yesterday at 10:31:52 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: Yessir
    Yesterday at 10:37:21 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: YNWA
    Yesterday at 10:37:32 PM
  • Daddy: The NBA LIVE DRAFT LOTTERY has been completed. Congratulations to @RyanJames5 :SEA-NBA: for winning the #1 Pick in the upcoming NBA LIVE amateur draft 9/28/24!
    Yesterday at 10:47:20 PM
  • STLBlues91: Ill be around the rest of the night so available for any trade discussion
    Yesterday at 11:34:18 PM