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Offline WestCoastExpress

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Free Agency Rules
« on: August 22, 2018, 08:26:32 PM »
Free Agency Rules:

Each player is auctioned in a separate thread on our ProFSL Transactions board, and may be started by anyone

The minimum starting bid on any player is $0.5m

A bid on a player is considered final when it has been open for 48 hours

***No team may have more than 5 active bids at anytime***
Active Bid = You are winning the bid

If you could please post the player's main position and the team he is on, that would be much appreciated.
PG - Chris Paul - OKC
SG Klay Thompson GSW
SF - Kevin Durant - BKN
PF - Anthony Davis - LAL
C Jonas Valanciunas MEM

When bidding on a player please list total yearly combined player salary as well as total years (1-4)
Example: 2 years, $10m per year

Priority will be placed on number of years bid as well
Example: A bid of 4 years, $20m per year WILL win over a bid of 3 years, $20m per year.

However, years do not trump dollar value
A bid of 3 years, $10m per year will NOT win out over a bid of 2 years, $15m per year.
The higher dollar value will always win out. To beat the bid of 3 years, $10m per year, you would have to bid:
4 years, $10m per year (the extra year at the same dollar value puts it as the winning bid)
3 years, $11m per year (same length, higher yearly price)
2 years, $11m per year (shorter length, BUT highly yearly price, which is the deciding factor here)

Minimum Bid Raises for FA's: When bidding, you must bid at least the minimum bid raise for each value:
$0.5m - $9.9m per year = $0.2m increase
$10m - $24.9m per year = $0.5m increase
$25m - $100m per year = $1m increase

You have 48 hours to post/confirm the contract for your player.
If you don't, the player will be offered to the next highest bidder. If that GM does not want the player, it will go to the 3rd highest bidder. If that GM does not want the player, he gets released back into free agency.
This mainly applies to players who have less than 82 games (eligible for D-League) or who are injured (can be placed directly onto the Inactive Roster).
Most NBA type players will just be put onto your main roster with the contract you won them at. If you would like to move that player to the D-League (if eligible) or Inactive roster, please make a new post.

Rescinding Free Agency Bids:
If you win the bid/player, and after 48 hours (or sooner) you decide you do not want to sign that player for the contract you posted for whatever reason (no reason needs to be given), you can simply just state you don't want to sign that player anymore.
That player would then be offered to the next GM who bid on him at a 25% discount off their original bid (the 2nd highest bid). If he doesn't want that player or can't afford him any longer, the 3rd highest bid will be offered with the same discount. After that, player is released back to FA.

This discount is due to the cap space presumably used to go after other FA's in lieu of not continuing to bid on this FA. It is also due to the time elapsed (36 hours, plus up to another 48 hours - so 2-4 days), which again, presumably that cap has been used to bid on and possibly win other FA's. It wouldn't be fair to have to come up with the same amount of cap your originally bid on which you thought was lost and gone for, for 3-4 days.

Under no circumstances can you rescind a bid on an active thread (unless it is within 10 minutes or so of the initial post, and an honest mistake was made).
This seems like an obvious rule, but reason being you could go and use the cap you save from rescinding your offer to go and bid on another player. It would also allow you to free up a bid, so you could bid on a player whose time expires sooner than the player you are rescinding (and if this rule weren't in place, you could go back and still bid on that other player later on).

If you win a FA that puts you over the roster limit: You have to post who you're going to drop or buy-out within 48-hours of winning the player (after player is stickied by a Mod).
Same 48-hour rule applies - you have 48 hours to decide who your drop is and to post the contract for the new player. If not, the FA goes to the 2nd and then (if necessary) the 3rd highest bidder as explained above. After that, back to the FA pool.
Remember: Any players making under $1m per year are FREE drops (no buy-out penalty).

**You may only bid what you have available for in cap space**
It is NOT allowed to bid on a player that would put you over the cap (by any amount, even $0.1m), and than spend the coming weeks getting under again

Example: If you have $5m of cap space available, you could bid 1,2,3, or 4 years, $5m per year. You couldn't ever bid 1 year, $5.1m per year.
**This includes any current winning FA bids factored in as well.
So if you have $10m in cap space, and you have a winning bid of $9m per year on one player, you can't go and bid $5m per year on another player. You could only bid up to $1m per year on a new player.

In order to de-tour jacking of contracts or bidding just for the heck of it...the following must be followed:

In the last 6 hours if you haven't previously bid on that player, you may NOT bid on him. 

If you have been bidding all along than its fine. Remember, it this is only in effect once the bid thread has been open for 42 hours. This is just for the last 6 hours.

In the last 6 hours, the minimum bid increase is $1m. Period.
Doesn't matter if it is a $5m/year, $20m/year or $31m/year bid.
We don't want people dragging on a FA player thread (especially if it is in its last few hours) by just putting in $0.2m or $0.5m bids to keep the thread going so they can go bid on other players in the meantime. $1m in the last 6 hours means you're serious about the player - you should be serious about the player anyways if you had already put a bid on him to be eligible to bid in the last 6 hours!

Free agent discount

A 10% discount will be awarded on any Free agents won who were previously on the same team last season.

Example: I traded for Harrison Barnes on his expiring deal this year and don't think he is worth keeping with the franchise tag, but I want to bid on him in FA in the off-season.
If I win him at $15m per year, I would then get him at $13.5m per year

Bidding on Released Players

Any player who is bought out on the Transactions thread is eligible to be bid on right away by the other 19 teams.
However, a team who released a player may not bid on that player for a period of 30 days.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2019, 01:13:48 PM by WestCoastExpress »
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  • Daddy: Setting up leagues from scratch takes a little time. Took a few months to get NHL set up correctly and operational.
    Yesterday at 04:52:25 PM
  • Daddy: MLB & NFL were switch over leagues. They already had most of the structures in place. NHL is the first true LIVE league done from scratch.
    Yesterday at 04:53:51 PM
  • STLBlues91: When do you need Vegas name for NBA Live?
    Yesterday at 04:56:01 PM
  • Daddy: When i set up fantrax. Need the name and logo by then. Seattle was easy. Vegas we are on our own.
    Yesterday at 04:58:58 PM
  • Daddy: So by July 1
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  • Daddy: NBA is "easiest" of all of the leagues to set up and moderate.
    Yesterday at 05:00:09 PM
  • Daddy: NHL watch a bitch. All those dudes. I know about guys playing hockey in Iceland now. Too much information.
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  • Daddy: Was a bitch :rofl:
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  • Daddy: I know about 16 year old hockey players now. It was a great learning experience. I thought i knew hockey.
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  • Daddy: Huge NHL LIVE trade. The first BLOCKBUSTER
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  • Daddy: Connor McDavid comes to Broad St. :)
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  • Daddy: Lead us great Connor. Lead us to Dynasty Glory. :win: im counting on you eh.
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  • Bigdon: Nba live i.have chicago that's awesome thanks
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  • indiansnation: Daddy its 5pm and the flyers still suck
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  • Daddy: Yeah but my Flyers suck with Connor McDavid.
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  • Daddy: Dont hate me cuz im beautiful.
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  • Daddy: After a blockbuster trade, you know the feeling. I could get hit by thrown monkey poop right now and im still smiling while i eat a banana.
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  • Daddy: Who you got? Isnt Sidney Crosby coaching team Canada in the upcoming Olympics?
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  • Daddy: Ever seen Harlem Knights Brian? "" Dddddon't ttttake thththis Aaaaasssss whupin Ppppersonal" -Jack Jenkins
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  • Daddy: [link] for you. :)
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  • STLBlues91: @Daddy can you check the message I just sent. Quick question
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  • Daddy: Replied
    Yesterday at 09:48:39 PM
  • Daddy: If members do not mind, deleting old pms helps the site run smoother and keeps your pms organized.
    Yesterday at 10:07:23 PM
  • Daddy: Nobody gets more pms than i do. I stay deleting and still have pages and pages of pms
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  • Daddy: Its not required that you delete old news but its also not required you delete and spam emails. Same thing. Thanks!
    Yesterday at 10:09:35 PM
  • Daddy: If anyone wants one of these premium Flyers prospects, send me more pms to eventually delete. NFL/MLB/NHL you're welcome. On to the next LIVE chapters.
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  • STLBlues91: Thank you for the Prune message sections.
    Yesterday at 10:20:33 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: Yepp that was an easy axe of messages
    Yesterday at 10:53:25 PM
  • STLBlues91: I did happen to select 225 pages before I saw that option though
    Yesterday at 10:55:07 PM
  • Daddy: Man you had 225 pages? Damn. Im down to 12.
    Yesterday at 11:48:59 PM
  • Daddy: Some of them i have to keep.
    Yesterday at 11:49:25 PM
  • STLBlues91: I had 465 but I clicked 225 pages worth of messages before I found the prune option
    Yesterday at 11:50:01 PM
  • Daddy: Thats a ton of trade talks. You just recently became a moderator. Being a mod we communicate tons via pm.
    Yesterday at 11:50:51 PM
  • Daddy: Your 465 pages was 400+ of trade negotiations. In pages containing 20 threads each. . :rofl:
    Yesterday at 11:52:00 PM
  • STLBlues91: Yeah I talk a lot of players and deals
    Yesterday at 11:52:10 PM
  • STLBlues91: And the other 65 were draft reminders and otc messages
    Yesterday at 11:52:50 PM
  • Daddy: I bet you pruned some moderator Crap :rofl: some of them you have to keep.
    Yesterday at 11:52:59 PM
  • Daddy: I always resend the important stuff.
    Yesterday at 11:53:35 PM
  • STLBlues91: No I kept all messages within like 80 days
    Yesterday at 11:53:36 PM
  • STLBlues91: Yeah you got it all anyway. Im just here to type and plug in numbers
    Yesterday at 11:54:07 PM
  • Daddy: There is a new NCAA football team. TCU in the house.
    Yesterday at 11:54:29 PM
  • STLBlues91: When does NCAA open and all that
    Yesterday at 11:55:15 PM
  • Daddy: NFL LIVE just added another all star level GM. We are getting him up to speed. No not the one in Detroit.
    Yesterday at 11:55:31 PM
  • Daddy: July 1st
    Yesterday at 11:55:43 PM
  • Daddy: Where are we at? Somewhere around 50 teams i think. We have 64 but bringing them onboard profsl is a challenge.
    Yesterday at 11:56:38 PM
  • STLBlues91: Well Ill get to work more on that spread sheet like June 10th. Finishing touches on NHL then a few days off then will knock that out
    Yesterday at 11:56:47 PM
  • Daddy: So much easier. No contracts. No trades.
    Yesterday at 11:58:32 PM
  • jmntl82: I can’t stand the Detroit GM
    Yesterday at 11:59:19 PM
  • jmntl82: Keeps me up at night
    Yesterday at 11:59:34 PM
  • STLBlues91: Yeah the colors will take a bit as I find the rbg codes and thats 64 teams. I can copy and paste the makeup. Then just to plug in the players
    Today at 12:07:48 AM