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Author Topic: Restricted Free Agency Rules  (Read 1355 times)

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Offline WestCoastExpress

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Restricted Free Agency Rules
« on: September 10, 2018, 05:17:23 PM »
Restricted Free Agency (RFA) Rules:

Restricted Free Agency will happen before normal Free Agency.
Not after, and not simultaneously.

In our first RFA period, there will be additional players who qualify for RFA, due to not having an RFA period in our inaugural season. Any players who would have been RFA's in the summer of 2018 will become an RFA in the summer of 2019. (ie. Zach LaVine, Nikola Jokic, Karl Anthony-Towns, etc.)

*Note: If you own an RFA and they have signed a real-life contract extension, you can choose to match that extension and that becomes their contract in our league.
(ie. Nikola Jokic signed a 5-year extension worth $147.7m, which works out to a $29.5m per year average cap hit. If Jokic's owner decides they don't want to risk Jokic on the open market of RFA, they can simply match that real-life offer, and Jokic is automatically signed for $29.5m per year for the duration of the real-life contract).

**Note: An RFA List on the Transaction board will be posted after the season begins. If RFA's sign in real-life, contract options will be listed on that board and teams have until the end of our season whether or not they want to match that real-life contract.

All RFA's who aren't matched, or who don't receive a real-life offer by the time our season ends will become an RFA in our league.

RFA rules will mimic regular FA rules, with a couple of differences (Please Read):

Each player is auctioned in a separate thread on our ProFSL Transactions board, and may be started by anyone

The minimum starting bid on any player is $0.5m/year

When bidding on a player please list total yearly combined player salary as well as total years (1-4)
Example: 2 years, $10m per year

Priority will be placed on number of years bid as well
Example: A bid of 4 years, $20m per year WILL win over a bid of 3 years, $20m per year.

However, years do not trump dollar value
A bid of 3 years, $10m per year will NOT win out over a bid of 2 years, $15m per year.
The higher dollar value will always win out. To beat the bid of 3 years, $10m per year, you would have to bid:
4 years, $10m per year (the extra year at the same dollar value puts it as the winning bid)
3 years, $11m per year (same length, higher yearly price)
2 years, $11m per year (shorter length, BUT highly yearly price, which is the deciding factor here)

Minimum Bid Raises for FA's: When bidding, you must bid at least the minimum bid raise for each value:
$0.5m - $9.9m per year = $0.2m increase
$10m - $24.9m per year = $0.5m increase
$25m - $100m per year = $1m increase

***No team may have more than 5 active bids at anytime***
Active Bid = You are winning the bid
(Also - You must have the necessary draft pick compensation to make a bid. See below).

A bid on a player is considered final when it has been open for 48 hours

The owner of the RFA has 72 hours (3 Days) to decide if they will match the contract offer, or if they will take the draft pick compensation associated with the per-year contract value.

If the owner does not respond, the RFA will be automatically rewarded to the winning bidder, and the owner of the RFA will be awarded the compensatory draft pick attached to the contract value.

Draft Pick Compensation Values:
$0.5m - $6m per year = No Draft Pick Compensation
$6.1m - $13m per year = 2nd Round Draft Pick as Compensation
$13.1m - $24m per year = 1st Round Draft Pick as Compensation
$24.1m - $30m per year = 1st and 2nd Round Draft Pick as Compensation
$30.1m per year or more = Two 1st Round Draft Picks as Compensation

You MUST have the necessary draft picks available in order to make all of your RFA bids.
Example: If you only own one 1st round draft pick in the next 2 seasons, you cannot make two bids on two RFA's of over $13m per year. You would need two 1st round draft picks to do so.

The owner of the RFA gets to choose ANY of your draft picks available
Example: If you have three 1st round draft picks in the summer's draft, plus one 1st round draft pick in next year's draft, the owner of the RFA can choose the highest of your 3 picks in this year's draft, or choose to take next year's 1st round pick. The choice is theirs, not yours.

Rescinding Free Agency Bids:
There will be no rescinding of RFA bids. If you win the RFA, it is up to the owner of that RFA whether you get that player and pay the compensation, or if they match the bid. You cannot back out of your winning RFA bid.

You may only bid what you have available for in cap space**
**Note: This will be slightly different from regular FA, due to the uncertainty of if the owner of the RFA will match the bid or not.
During RFA, you will be allowed to bid on RFA's and go up to over $15m of your available cap.
(Keep in mind you have to have the necessary draft pick compensation for all of your RFA bids).
However, if you end up with all the RFA's you bid on, you will have to find a way to get under the cap by the deadline (prior to the next season). And definitely can't bid on any normal FA's as you wouldn't have cap.

To even the playing field, The owner of that RFA can also go over $15m of their available cap to match any winning contract.
This is so bidding GM's can't simply out-price the owner of an RFA by bidding up player over what the owner of that team has in cap. The owner of the RFA can match the bid and then trade that player, or match the bid and keep the player, and then make additional moves to get under cap by the start of the next season.

In order to de-tour jacking of contracts or bidding just for the heck of it...the following must be followed:

In the last 6 hours if you haven't previously bid on that player, you may NOT bid on him. 

If you have been bidding all along than its fine. Remember, it this is only in effect once the bid thread has been open for 42 hours. This is just for the last 6 hours.

In the last 6 hours, the minimum bid increase is $1m. Period.
Doesn't matter if it is a $5m/year, $12m/year or $25m/year bid.
We don't want people dragging on a FA player thread (especially if it is in its last few hours) by just putting in $0.2m or $0.5m bids to keep the thread going so they can go bid on other players in the meantime. $1m in the last 6 hours means you're serious about the player - you should be serious about the player anyways if you had already put a bid on him to be eligible to bid in the last 6 hours!
« Last Edit: July 03, 2019, 07:51:54 PM by WestCoastExpress »
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  • Daddy: I call it Bruce
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  • Daddy: Im gonna put Bruce all in datass
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  • BayAreaBallers: LMAOOO daddy you an I will bicker talk Crap it won't phase me
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  • BayAreaBallers: Brian replied
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  • BayAreaBallers: Brian you can post
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  • BayAreaBallers: Bruh I am tearing my team down for a reason
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  • BayAreaBallers: Trust me I will do work in draft
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  • BayAreaBallers: And get this team to where I Wanna go in due time
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  • Daddy: I got my reasons too. Forgive me for what my fantasy teams do.
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  • BayAreaBallers: yeah ik u a tough out
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  • Daddy: Thats why i want it to be a fair fight and the best guys doing it.
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  • Daddy: We eliminate all excuses
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  • Daddy: SS no excuse, fantrax no excuse, non active gms no excuse, i gets rid of dead weight. Fukm
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  • Daddy: Dont have money no excuse, dont have time no excuse, the league sux..... Nope. They dont. No excuse.
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  • Daddy: Nobody holding you back
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  • indiansnation: Bayareaballers trade posted in NHL live
    Today at 01:27:33 AM
  • Daddy: But you
    Today at 01:27:45 AM
  • indiansnation: Hey when will NBA live be up and running daddy
    Today at 01:28:20 AM
  • BayAreaBallers: im replying to it thx Brian
    Today at 01:28:52 AM
  • Daddy: Its a lot of work Brian but there is soooo mich excitement for it im trying to get started to be done by the upcoming season.
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  • Daddy: I believe we will be ready by September/October
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  • Daddy: We usually exceed my expectations
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  • indiansnation: Just asking once its done u won't know what to do after all the live leagues our done
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  • Daddy: Run my team. Just like you.
    Today at 01:44:21 AM
  • Daddy: Corey had the right idea but did it wrong. So much of it was fake. League rules were impeding league success and ability to achieve growth. Even back then things were tooooo sloowwww. I would wait a week before a FA was added to my team. Two weeks before added to my SS.
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  • Daddy: You know how many fuqn moves i make in 2 weeks? Its my fault im busy somehow? Thats a bad thing?
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  • Daddy: We gambling, playing for money, im waiting two weeks for a SS update? Daduq!!!?!!
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  • Daddy: Fuq!!!
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  • Daddy: You fuqn kidding me? Im doing the same Crap on another site. Playing for money
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  • Daddy: And the scoring is corny on top of it
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  • Daddy: League got ten great teams twenty Crapty ones
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    Today at 01:51:57 AM
  • Daddy: I tried saying, they asked me if i ever ran a league before (like they all do) so, i stfu and laced up Bruce.
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  • Daddy: NHL LIVE has been open for one day... Weve got 103 "archived" posts. Meaning fully processed SS & Fantrax.
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  • Daddy: A dozen trades have been made, Connor McDavid found a new Country to play for.
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  • Daddy: Let me ask you... What has any other hockey league done in the last 24 hours?
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  • Daddy: Including the NHL
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  • Daddy: This LIVE Crap is next level. See for yourself.
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  • STLBlues91: I am always around
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  • Braves155: Is there an NHL LIVE spreadsheet?
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  • STLBlues91: Yeah its the NHL Live Rosters LINK
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