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Author Topic: Bruins - illegally removed players from rosters  (Read 1340 times)

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Re: Bruins - illegally removed players from rosters
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2012, 12:55:10 PM »
Guys just be active to make things a little more challenging for the rest of us. Also this sounds like the start of a new rivalry.    :thumbsup:
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Re: Bruins - illegally removed players from rosters
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2012, 10:48:57 AM »
:bla: :bla: :bla:  talking about this team I inherited from a dead owner?? That is ok though, I could care less.

I am talking about that team yes.  You are an owner who suddenly, and not because the merit of his own skills but due to a clerical mistake, benefited to the extreme.

You make an argument that I should move on and use my money in the free agency.  Too bad my cards were close to the chest, I was making a run for the centuries, and because of it I haven't the luxury of 10's of millions, as did your team.

The point, it is sensible to me that you'd have a hard time understanding it from my point of view.  It goes counter to every economic benefit you received.  Don't, however, feel the need to come into a discussion thread and feel the need to fill it with garbage posts.
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Re: Bruins - illegally removed players from rosters
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2012, 09:46:02 AM »
I get it now Jonathan, because you had a really really bad team you loved the fact a bonus of talent was available to a team with tons of money.  Don't be bashful, you can say you liked how it helped you come even close to being a meaningful team.
:bla: :bla: :bla:  talking about this team I inherited from a dead owner?? That is ok though, I could care less.
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Re: Bruins - illegally removed players from rosters
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2012, 11:31:09 PM »
I just love the "Ignore user" function.
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Re: Bruins - illegally removed players from rosters
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2012, 11:18:58 PM »
There was no abandoning any team, I had REAL LIFE issues to attend to, this is fantasy son, my wife and my life come first.  I came back under a different name when everything got straightened out to enjoy fantasy like I once did while avoiding the silly stuff that goes on.  I have not been asked ever about this situation nor was it going on when I was here for my short stint as a Chicago GM before I was pushed to leave this league again.  So don't involve me in your silly crap!!

To answer this thread, I was a roster guy, I didn't do anything with the rules, re-direct rule questions to Hockeyfreak6000...I was his helper, this was never my league, it belongs to the GM's and I just helped with rosters!!

Thanks Gilly
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Re: Bruins - illegally removed players from rosters
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2012, 10:24:15 PM »
To the argument this is just fantasy hockey, why then is it so hard to alter the ramifications.  Maybe a system of compensation, maybe we should institute RFA and retroactively assign compensation.
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Re: Bruins - illegally removed players from rosters
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2012, 10:09:13 PM »
This is a great explanation as I am looking into what has occurred with this league.  My understanding is that some P-2012 contracts were let go from all teams as they expired.  Isn't this the original rule in the league?

It does appear that this league needs better deadlines.  For instance, a deadline to sign expiring contracts or else they are let go to free agency.

Colby, here's the background on this rookie contract matter/incident:

1. July 5'12: PigsRule (non-commish status at the time) posted error: contract length of a.pietrangelo
LINK: http://www.profsl.com/smf/index.php?topic=63439.msg339864#msg339864

someone on the previous EC modified a P-2012 contract on my :FLO: team (which i was advised by ex-commish hockeyfreak6000 as being a contract that expires in 2012-13) to an expiry of 2011-2012.

2. July 5'12: drew (interim FNHL commish at the time) stated his belief "P-2012" contracts were equal to contracts expiring in 2011-2012. I disagreed (see thread referenced above).

3. July 7'12: i requested ex-commish joeshmoe + hockeyfreak6000 provide input, but we never heard from either ex-commish on this matter.

4. July 16'12: upon SizzRat's appointment to commish, he posted Clarification on Rookie Contracts
LINK: http://www.profsl.com/smf/index.php?topic=64820.0

this ruling asserted that P-2012 contracts were set to expire 2011-2012 instead of what i understood would've been a 2012-2013 expiration.

5. all P-2012 contracts in FNHL were impacted and ex-commish SizzRat posted a revised contract rollover date of Aug.3rd 23h59 ET (necessary due to the former EC's league deadlines being invalid due to their absence from the league leaving many GM's uncertain of which key activities were accurate and whether the league would even move forward for 2012-13.

6. July 22'12: PigsRule joins SizzRat as FNHL co-commish

7. July 24'12: 10-days to 2011-12 contracts expiring notice posted on FNHL home pg.
the first line of the post read: this is your reminder that all 2011-2012 AND P-2012 contracts EXPIRE 23h59 ET on Fri Aug.3rd. ...
LINK: http://www.profsl.com/smf/index.php?topic=66027.msg357206#msg357206

8. July 30'12: 5-days tp 2011-12 contracts expiring notice posted on FNHL home pg.
CONTRACTS EXPIRE in 5-days (Aug.3 @ 23h59ET)
LINK: http://www.profsl.com/smf/index.php?topic=66736.msg362568#msg362568

9. Aug 3'12: Deadline for 2011-12 contracts expiring notice posted on FNHL home pg.
DEADLINE TODAY (23h59 ET Aug.3'12 2011-12 Contracts Expire)
LINK: http://www.profsl.com/smf/index.php?topic=67372.msg365524#msg365524

10. Aug.3'12 @ 23h59 ET FNHL player 2011-12 contracts expire, owned players who were didn't receive an extension would be released to FA as of Aug 4'12 @ 0h01 ET.

11. Aug.5'12 @ 0h01 ET: FNHL free agency opens with the un-locking of Defensemen ...

* ex-commish SizzRat made a ruling to clarify an unclear rule based on his knowledge, correct or not... he was the commissioner at the time and so we lived by the ruling.

* unfortunately, no ex-commishes (joeshmoe, hockeyfreak6000 nor Mike Bridgestone/Gilmour/Gilly/BridgestoneGilly who was actually posing as a brand new GM to this league + taking over a brand new team in :CHI-NHL: after abandoning :NYI: ) provided any input on the subject to confirm, reject or further discuss the issue to help provide clarity

* everyone has accepted the ruling, for better or for worse.

* joeshmoe's surprise/possible shock and disappointment is very reasonable and i understand where he's coming from due to the significant ruling that impacted 3 key stud prospects on his :BOS-NHL: team which he's GM'ed since the beginning of time. however, he may have been the only GM to miss the communications

* PS my :FLO: also lost out on this ruling as 4 of my core stars received significant extensions/raises from the rookie contracts and 19.0m of my cap space vanished overnight.

* again, this is fantasy sports... luckily no one lost their job or livelihood over this, but more importantly, :BOS-NHL: is back in business and we're glad this situation hasn't soured him too much on the league he created and which we all enjoy.

if i missed anything, anyone with something to add, please comment + post.
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Re: Bruins - illegally removed players from rosters
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2012, 03:10:05 PM »
guys, at the end of the day... it's fantasy hockey something we all enjoy. let's continue to keep things in perspective no matter how disappointing we may feel at times.

2 things:

i definitely want joeshmoe to return and continue in this great league he created and commished in Yr1. his :BOS-NHL: are still a contender despite what occurred with the "P-2012" ruling on July 16th by the ex-commish (a whole other issue waiting to get air time), reference LINK, http://www.profsl.com/smf/index.php?topic=64820.0 AKA "Clarification on Rookie Contracts" ... posted on the FNHL home pg and was there til late last wk.

2nd, unfortunately ... the decision by the ex-commish/SizzRat cannot be reversed as I've explained to "BOS-NHL: in our PM chat eariler today. it's been so long (41-days) + too many transactions (trades, contract rollover, free agency), teams have been impacted that reversing part or all would negatively impact the league and be considered yet another 1-off ruling to correct a 1-off ruling.

2-wrongs cannot make a right.

teams all have to move forward at this point and joeshmoe's no slouch of a GM and i fully expect he'll now pull together a action plan to plug some holes he had not expected to be addressing 1yr in advance, i've already been down that road... and it can be fun.

This is a great explanation as I am looking into what has occurred with this league.  My understanding is that some P-2012 contracts were let go from all teams as they expired.  Isn't this the original rule in the league?

It does appear that this league needs better deadlines.  For instance, a deadline to sign expiring contracts or else they are let go to free agency.
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Re: Bruins - illegally removed players from rosters
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2012, 10:37:42 PM »
I resigned my players, offered extensions, and did buyouts, set my team for the start of the season before august.  Didn't know the rules would be changed.  I had no money in cap because I had players on my team.  I now have 5m and couldn't win back any of my guys worth getting.  Inactive, please.  Doesn't it seem a little disenfranchising to have the rules changed in the middle of the game? 

Furthermore, I am not resigning as pigs offered me to stay and I have accepted...troll

guys, at the end of the day... it's fantasy hockey something we all enjoy. let's continue to keep things in perspective no matter how disappointing we may feel at times.

2 things:

i definitely want joeshmoe to return and continue in this great league he created and commished in Yr1. his :BOS-NHL: are still a contender despite what occurred with the "P-2012" ruling on July 16th by the ex-commish (a whole other issue waiting to get air time), reference LINK, http://www.profsl.com/smf/index.php?topic=64820.0 AKA "Clarification on Rookie Contracts" ... posted on the FNHL home pg and was there til late last wk.

2nd, unfortunately ... the decision by the ex-commish/SizzRat cannot be reversed as I've explained to "BOS-NHL: in our PM chat eariler today. it's been so long (41-days) + too many transactions (trades, contract rollover, free agency), teams have been impacted that reversing part or all would negatively impact the league and be considered yet another 1-off ruling to correct a 1-off ruling.

2-wrongs cannot make a right.

teams all have to move forward at this point and joeshmoe's no slouch of a GM and i fully expect he'll now pull together a action plan to plug some holes he had not expected to be addressing 1yr in advance, i've already been down that road... and it can be fun.

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Re: Bruins - illegally removed players from rosters
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2012, 02:52:00 PM »
Sorry but I can ear anything you guys are saying.

« Last Edit: August 27, 2012, 02:53:35 PM by snugerud »
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