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Fantasy Leagues => News Feed => The Bullpen => NBA News => Topic started by: Colby on May 08, 2012, 10:53:17 AM

Title: The Knicks win over the Heat on Sunday ended an 11 year draught...
Post by: Colby on May 08, 2012, 10:53:17 AM

The Knicks win over the Heat on Sunday ended an 11 year draught stretching back until I was in college and still didn’t know you could write about NBA basketball on the Internet for a living.

As such, everyone penned a little homage to their Knicks fandom over the years, and everyone in New York patted themselves on the back for sticking with the team.* Some writers wrote sober tributes to the team.

Will Leitch wrote an excellent post over at New York Mag and Howard Beck was his usual basketball writer of record for the New York Times.

I wrote a recap, poorly.

I’m happy for the Knicks. I’m happy to be a Knicks fan, which is different. I’m happy to live in New York when they finally won a playoff game.

I doubt we’ll see another one this year. Sorry, I’m just being honest.

Lets enjoy the three days between game 4 and 5, and give the Knicks credit for overcoming the odds and extending the series. But lets not forget the Knicks aren’t very good.

Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images

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