ProFSL: Pro Fantasy Sports Leagues

Fantasy Leagues => Dynasty NHL => NHL Leagues => Dynasty NHL: Archive => Topic started by: Gilly on October 02, 2011, 11:00:24 PM

Title: MMA Casino
Post by: Gilly on October 02, 2011, 11:00:24 PM
Hey There

So theres another MMA League....MMA Casino!!!

This is a 20 manager league.

You start with 250 MMA Chips, you wager on fights and more for MMA Events

You also draft 5 fighters total of any class from the three Companies (Bellator, UFC, Strikeforce)

Those 5 fighters will earn you MMA chips as well so in case you make a bet

that you backfires and you have no chips left, these fighters will get you back in the game or just

give you a nice flow coming in.

This is free to join and it will be my last league I pay out cash to the winner.  $50 to the winner in

this league each year/season.

The rules are on the main page in MMA Casino so explain all this further as their lots involved :)

I hope to see you there :)

Cheers  :)
