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Fantasy Leagues => Franchise GM: Rules Changes => Franchise GM: History Books => Franchise GM => MLB Leagues => Franchise GM: Clarifications & Discussion => Topic started by: Colby on June 16, 2011, 06:50:37 PM

Title: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Colby on June 16, 2011, 06:50:37 PM
I'm confused... so if someone signs their prospect to an extension, the extension kicks in following the end of his prospect eligibility, or the following year... cause if that is the case take the extension off of Ike until this is sorted out. I didn't foresee this becoming an issue when he was signed.

My take on it, if you want the full percentage then you take it that year. You want the player signed for the following year you take the following years percentage. For instance, Ike again. Signed this year it is 60%, if I want the contract to take hold next year, then it should be 50%, so on and so forth. I think this needs to be discussed further

That was Dan... my thinking is that the percentage is based on the period the contract is awarded, not started.  This is consistent with other approaches.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Dan Wood on June 16, 2011, 07:17:34 PM
Where the rub lies now, is that we voted you can sign a guy at the end of his final eligibility season and have it take hold the following year. So since that is already in effect, we might need to have all prospect extensions begin the following season, just to be consistent.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Colby on June 16, 2011, 07:31:10 PM
Where the rub lies now, is that we voted you can sign a guy at the end of his final eligibility season and have it take hold the following year. So since that is already in effect, we might need to have all prospect extensions begin the following season, just to be consistent.

This was established in the rules.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Dan Wood on June 16, 2011, 07:38:56 PM
This was established in the rules.

Which part? It doesn't go on to say that if you sign a guy during the season when it takes hold, and what the effect of the percentages will have. All we voted on, and passed, was that you can sign a guy after the season and it will take hold the following season. Also what was established was that once the season ends, you can still sign a player in his final year of eligibility to an extension. What is lacking in wording in regards to prior to that.

Now that we can sign players, and have the contract start the following season, we didn't discuss how this would effect the prospect extensions. When they were created, you could not sign a player for the following year, now you can.

If we are to be consistent with what we already voted on - #2 - then we should have prospect extension start the following season, just like any other extension. What this does is give GMs another year of control. Back to Ike, I sign him now, it starts next season in 2012, I control him now at 4 mil for the following 5 years. Or should we have to take the contract on that season? That is what I think we need to suss out.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: h4cheng on June 16, 2011, 08:06:44 PM
For me, extension should be at the rate at the time the extension is announced, to take effect when the existing contract ends.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Dan Wood on June 16, 2011, 08:23:56 PM
Yes but prospect contracts run for four years, that is the existing contract. Which is both way too complicated to keep track of, as well as unrealistic to have a guy for what could be nine years for a minimal amount.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Colby on June 16, 2011, 08:28:42 PM
Dan, you aren't seeing the big picture.  Term limits apply to prospect extensions.  Therefore, taking advantage of the prospect extension in 2011 for a P-2013 contract would only add three years under the prospect extension with the value taken as of 2011.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Dan Wood on June 16, 2011, 08:58:53 PM
Dan, you aren't seeing the big picture.  Term limits apply to prospect extensions.  Therefore, taking advantage of the prospect extension in 2011 for a P-2013 contract would only add three years under the prospect extension with the value taken as of 2011.

I realize that, my question is when should they go into effect? Again back to Ike. I like talking in examples it is better to visualize. Now I signed him in 2011, he is P-2013. His 'discount' is 60% this year. My question is, given the same situation, given the new rules, would it take effect in 2012, and not 2011. Like our new rule pertaining to contract extensions. Would the new extension rule apply to prospect extensions. That is what I am trying to clarify.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Colby on June 16, 2011, 09:56:39 PM
A similar player to Ike would take effect 2014 and last through 2016.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Dan Wood on June 16, 2011, 10:31:03 PM
Now I'm completely lost. Someone please explain it to me. The prospect extension rule is as such...

"Any player who is currently under a prospect contract may be signed to a regular contract extension (see below), but they may also be signed to a prospect extension.  Such an extension must be a 5-year deal where the annual salary is X% of their market value.  The resulting annual salary must be no less than $4m."

Now what am I missing? If you sign someone to a PE - it is for 5 years. Now that we are starting extensions the following year, do prospect extensions start immediately, next season, or at the end of the contract (which I honestly don't think is a consideration)?
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: rcankosy on June 16, 2011, 10:46:45 PM
I think that functionally prospect extensions should work in the same manner as regular extensions.  For example, Ike Davis' salary should be 500K this year.  His new salary and contract term should kick in next year.  Therefore, Ike Davis would be signed for 5 years starting next year and his contract would run through 2016.  I still have to fugure out how the discount table factors into the new salary, but I agree with Dan that there should be a benefit to extending a player sooner rather than later.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: rcankosy on June 16, 2011, 10:49:46 PM
For me, extension should be at the rate at the time the extension is announced, to take effect when the existing contract ends.

I agree with the 1st half of the statements, but not the second half.  The extension takes effect the year following when the team decided to extend said player.  In Davis' case, the extension starts in 2012 and runs though 2016.  You have to do it that way to be consistent with the max years for prospects which is 5 years, otherwise you would be exceeding that limit.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: rcankosy on June 16, 2011, 10:53:05 PM
This is also consistent with how we treat extensions on non-prospects who are extended in the middle of their contracts.  The 5 year rule in essense becomes the max years rules for prospects.  This is really the only way we could do it in order to limit prospects to contracts no longer than 5 years.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Colby on June 16, 2011, 11:40:04 PM
I agree with the 1st half of the statements, but not the second half.  The extension takes effect the year following when the team decided to extend said player.  In Davis' case, the extension starts in 2012 and runs though 2016.  You have to do it that way to be consistent with the max years for prospects which is 5 years, otherwise you would be exceeding that limit.

Okay, so it overrides the remainder of the prospect contract?
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: h4cheng on June 16, 2011, 11:46:05 PM
This is also consistent with how we treat extensions on non-prospects who are extended in the middle of their contracts.  The 5 year rule in essense becomes the max years rules for prospects.  This is really the only way we could do it in order to limit prospects to contracts no longer than 5 years.

I thought for non prospect extensions, it applies to the end of the contract and doesn't over-ride?
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: rcankosy on June 17, 2011, 12:05:00 AM
Okay, so it overrides the remainder of the prospect contract?

Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: rcankosy on June 17, 2011, 12:07:59 AM
I thought for non prospect extensions, it applies to the end of the contract and doesn't over-ride?

Not true.  It over-rides in the same manner as a regular extension.  We wanted consistency between the two.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Colby on June 17, 2011, 08:19:37 AM
Not true.  It over-rides in the same manner as a regular extension.  We wanted consistency between the two.

Actually, Roy, for sake of consistency, we voted on extensions to be of the new form for both veteran and prospect extensions.  The only issue here is Dan's questioning of which multiplier is used for a prospect extension.  Howe and I both understand it to be the value based on when the contract is awarded - not when it starts.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: h4cheng on June 17, 2011, 10:20:46 AM
I see where the concern is coming from though. An alternative would be to have all new contract/extensions come into effect in the next season regardless of how many years are left in the current contract.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Dan Wood on June 17, 2011, 12:00:32 PM
I was under the impression, that is how things work for both veteran and prospect extensions.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Colby on June 17, 2011, 12:02:52 PM
I was under the impression that the extension started the year after the current contract ends.  Didn't we sort all of this out in the 23+ page thread?
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Dan Wood on June 17, 2011, 12:16:06 PM
I was under the impression that the extension started the year after the current contract ends.  Didn't we sort all of this out in the 23+ page thread?

My bad, just noticed that in the are correct. However with prospect extensions, I think they should take hold the year after if you want the discount. Usually extension handed out to players with limited MLB time is to buy out arb years and FA years, not the guys entire prime. With Ike, if the contract took hold after his current year, he would be eligible to hit FA until 2019. If we are voting, I vote for following year.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: h4cheng on June 17, 2011, 12:17:20 PM
For consistency sakes, I vote that all extension take effect in the following year, regardless of regular or rookie extension.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Colby on June 17, 2011, 12:19:05 PM
My bad, just noticed that in the are correct. However with prospect extensions, I think they should take hold the year after if you want the discount. Usually extension handed out to players with limited MLB time is to buy out arb years and FA years, not the guys entire prime. With Ike, if the contract took hold after his current year, he would be eligible to hit FA until 2019. If we are voting, I vote for following year.

Alright, let's vote on this... I will actually vote for the following year as well... your point about buying out arbitration years makes plenty of sense.  The prospect extension is designed to be special.

RULE: Prospect extensions take place the year after they are awarded with the discount based on the year they are awarded.

YAY - Dan, Colby

Let's get this done today.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Jake on June 17, 2011, 12:22:00 PM
I'll confirm.
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: h4cheng on June 17, 2011, 12:36:18 PM
what's the downside of having all extensions starting next year again?
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: rcankosy on June 17, 2011, 12:45:10 PM
I was under the impression that the extension started the year after the current contract ends.  Didn't we sort all of this out in the 23+ page thread?

It can't be when it ends, because then the table for salary discounts off market would not be applicable. 
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Dan Wood on June 17, 2011, 01:13:52 PM
Seems like we are all on the same page of having all extensions start the following season
Title: Re: RC needed for prospect extension interprepation
Post by: Colby on June 17, 2011, 02:11:03 PM
Everyone has confirmed this except for Ben which gives us an automatic 5-0 approval. :judge: Great job by the RC here.  There can always be nitpitcking, but let's settle with these adjustments and call it a day a good five years to put these rules at rest.