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Messages - Brent

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Franchise GM: Completed Transactions / Re: David Wright, CI, NYM
« on: January 13, 2014, 10:33:31 AM »

Franchise GM: Completed Transactions / Re: Ryan Zimmerman, CI, WAS
« on: January 13, 2014, 10:33:10 AM »

Franchise GM: Completed Transactions / Re: Albert Pujols, CI, LAA
« on: January 13, 2014, 10:24:57 AM »

Franchise GM: Completed Transactions / Re: David Wright, CI, NYM
« on: January 13, 2014, 10:24:36 AM »

Franchise GM: Completed Transactions / Re: Ryan Zimmerman, CI, WAS
« on: January 13, 2014, 10:24:11 AM »

Franchise GM / Re: FGM Official Trade Block Thread
« on: December 12, 2013, 10:55:49 PM »
These guys would help teams now and I am building for the future.  Looking for packages of young ready talent.

SP Price, David, $14m (2017)
CI-OF Davis, Chris, $10m (2017)

Franchise GM: Completed Transactions / Angels Roster Move
« on: November 26, 2013, 06:37:55 PM »
The Angels will call up:
P   n/a   Hill, Taylor

Since we are resigned to the task of allowing internal transfers I offer the following:

The motivation for a transfer is far beyond a few steadfast rules.  We certainly can mandate a longevity clause and make the move a step down, but does that satisfy the goal of "for the good of the league?". As a league, we accept new members on the basis of good faith.  We expect their commitment to manifest itself into a certain degree of activity, a spirit of competitiveness, and a determination to improve their teams. 

On a personal side, it has taken me a few seasons to understand the importance of patience and projection.  My lack of foresight has caused me to make some very questionable moves--bad trades, miscalculations, dumping prospects, etc.  My attempts to keep Giants players, because they are my favorite team, has been sort of a detriment at times--signing Tim Lincecum for $23m being one glaring example.  I have been in the league since September 2010--two seasons and three off-seasons.  The perennial winner of my division has a salary cap which is $52m greater than mine.  I certainly understand the reasons for this:  success = money.  Yet is it realistic to say that the GMs of the richer teams are any better than those who have less resources? I am paraphrasing here, but nonetheless, I was dumbstruck when one of our respected members criticized the work of the Padres GM and said that he was not worthy of taking over the Dodgers because there was no evidence that the Padres had improved under his leadership.  That observation was worthy of a "Come on, man!" because we're talking about a team with a payroll of $59.5m!  With no disrespect to the present GM of the Dodgers, maybe the Padres GM would have done things differently during the season and would have had greater success in the playoffs.  I don't ever recall ever reading a prospective game plan--I only remember reading some emotion-laden posts about being stung for the second time and some references to past disciplinary action regarding inactivity--yet the team was given to a GM who had already left the league before.

The point of all this is that we, as a decision-making body, have to give members a chance to self-advocate why their request for transfer would be in the best interests of the league.  They can outline short term and long term goals, give examples of past success, what they see as strengths and weaknesses, and what they need to do to compete for their division title (and therefore become a playoff team).  The merits of the prospective GMs proposal for success is of greater importance to the overall success of the league than a few steadfast rules like how long the team has been vacant or how long a GM has been in the league. 

Is this a subjective approach?  Yes, it is, but if we are going to be given the power to approve transfers of ownership, we have to been able to evaluate something concrete.  We cannot make decions based on the few talking points that have been presented so far.  As a member of other dynasty organizations, I recall having to fill out a formal league application listing my fantasy resume.  My application was then reviewed by some veteran members and I was offered a team.  Not everyone got a team, yet everyone understood that their acceptance was based on the merits of the things they listed in the application.  Maybe we don't want to be so formal, but if this issue is to be resolved, it has to get beyond the emotionalism that is already starting to surface in the Cubs vacancy. 

My points are not intended to get anyone upset or ask for defensive posts.  I just want to be able to make a decision based on something from each candidate. 

Thanks for reading this--I hope it makes sense.

Great post.

Franchise GM: Archives / Re: Proposed Idea
« on: October 15, 2013, 04:03:45 PM »
Not entirely Roy.  The primary purpose of the RC in legislation is to create rules that safeguard the league for its future while limiting the negative impact on current GMs.  A grandfathering rule for the current 30 satisfies the second part of that statement.  The 30 GMs would have to declare favorite teams, and a decent amount of them are already managing their favorite team, so the number is less than 30.  Likewise, many GMs are attached to their fantasy franchises and have no interest in managing their favorite team or switching, so this only comes down to a few GMs who have interest in moving to their favorite teams when they open.  On top of that, ensuring they have the appropriate service time reduces the field even more.

I am not trying to screw things up in this league, I am just asking for a small name change, that's it.  It's amazing that if you don't agree with the vast majority thing you are ridiculed for having a favorite team.

Let's address the real issue here.  There was a huge uproar b/c nobody wanted a manager to switch to a team with Trout, that is the issue although nobody would admit that.

Franchise GM: Archives / Re: Proposed Idea
« on: October 15, 2013, 03:59:29 PM »
I have never really understand the argument for wanting to GM your favorite team. The players in the league are so mixed up that very few of the original players are still on the same organization so in the end it is only a logo. If my favorite team, the Twins, came open I wouldn't want to change teams because I have put a lot of hard work and effort in to building my current team.

It's just a personal preference thing.  Like I said in this idea, all I want to do is change the name of the team, that is it.  I don't want the players.   

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  • Daddy: The NHL LIVE DRAFT is 3 DAYS AFTER the NHL Draft. Get those rosters ready for your picks.
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  • Daddy: If i don't have offers in my inbox for baseball, there are messages from football or hockey. Its the profsl experience ive been wanting.
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  • Daddy: Excited for NBA
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  • STLBlues91: Im just looking at the draft prospects this and next year figuring out my plan
    Today at 12:08:08 AM
  • STLBlues91: Im ready for that expansion draft
    Today at 12:08:19 AM
  • Daddy: Yeah so about that. One team get first pick in the expansion draft. The other gets first pick in the amateur draft.
    Today at 12:10:24 AM
  • STLBlues91: Yeah figured that was how it would be
    Today at 12:11:15 AM
  • Daddy: I could flip a coin but nobody but me would see it. So a number has been selected between 1-32. You are both getting pms along with the two other mods.
    Today at 12:12:09 AM
  • STLBlues91: Sounds good. When you thinking this will occur
    Today at 12:12:41 AM
  • Daddy: Whomever guesses closer to the number gets the 1st overall pick in the amateur draft. The other picks first in expansion.
    Today at 12:13:04 AM
  • Daddy: Im getting it out the way tomorrow
    Today at 12:13:49 AM
  • Daddy: Ive got the tools now to build the matrix and the league.
    Today at 12:14:20 AM
  • STLBlues91: Sounds good, I will be thinking of a solid number
    Today at 12:15:05 AM
  • Daddy: Best get to building it.
    Today at 12:15:32 AM
  • Daddy: Honestly idk why the NBA doesn't do it that way for expanding. Two teams at a time. Expansion draft to amateur draft. I think the idea is fresh and its execution will be pretty dope. ;)
    Today at 12:25:15 AM
  • jimw: I think the NBA goes one team at a time to give the one team a better talent pool in the expansion draft and also to keep the teams from complaining about losing more players
    Today at 01:25:47 AM
  • Daddy: Thats fair
    Today at 01:27:48 AM
  • BayAreaBallers: that makes sense
    Today at 01:32:38 AM
  • Daddy: I mean they only losing one guy anyway tho. We expose 10 players, protect 5 players, each team, all 30 will lose one player.
    Today at 01:36:30 AM
  • Daddy: The expansion teams will then both have 15 players heading into the amateur draft with picks #1 & #2.
    Today at 01:37:43 AM
  • Daddy: Each other team will still have 14 players and one first round pick.
    Today at 01:38:26 AM
  • Daddy: They need to hire me is what they need to do :rofl:
    Today at 01:38:53 AM
  • Daddy: Yeah you lose a guy to the expansion draft. Likely your 6th man. Then the very next day you draft his replacement and keep it moving.
    Today at 01:40:25 AM
  • STLBlues91: Daddy quick question in your messages
    Today at 01:44:14 AM
  • Daddy: We are good to go.:toth:
    Today at 02:01:09 AM
  • jimw: I think in the Bobcat expansion each team could protect 8 players. And I think the bobcats has to take at least 14 so half the league didn't even lose a player.
    Today at 02:09:14 AM
  • jimw: That was a long time ago though
    Today at 02:09:59 AM
  • indiansnation: Alpha5 pm
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  • indiansnation: Jschwab pn
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  • indiansnation: Back at u alpha 5
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  • indiansnation: Back at u alpha 5
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  • Braves155: Indiansnation I replied last night
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  • indiansnation: Braves155 new pm
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  • Braves155: Replied
    Today at 10:06:16 AM
  • indiansnation: Braves give me few minutes im looking
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  • indiansnation: Braves155 trade offer sent
    Today at 10:20:56 AM
  • Braves155: Replied
    Today at 10:36:24 AM
  • indiansnation: Braves155 pm back at u
    Today at 10:53:31 AM