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Messages - VolsRaysBucs

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Franchise GM: Archives / Re: The saga of an invalidated trade
« on: August 03, 2015, 10:55:14 AM »
"And if I had a Porsche I'd paint it red..."  That's great that you would have had the time ability to "not stop until it was done."  My real life does not allow for that.  Neither does Daniel's.  Bottom line is that a deal by two long-time GMs was made in good-faith and posted before the deadline.  Semantics are what killed the deal.  Semantics are what's killing this league.  Ambiguous interpretations of procedural issues, not black and white rules.    Honestly, at this point it's all moot, I only passed VMart on waivers because I felt I owed it to Daniel.  It was the right thing to do.  I wanted to play out the season with the team I had spent countless hours building.  The ruling elite have determined my continued stewardship of the team would be a detriment to the Rays/FGM.  That is more than fine, I will cease any activity via fantrax effective immediately.  Maybe the new guy will have a better understanding of the rules...

Franchise GM: Archives / Re: The saga of an invalidated trade
« on: August 03, 2015, 10:17:26 AM »
I am at a loss to understand what is so difficult to grasp here.  I was offered a deal that was not formed as, what I am accustomed to being, a concretely worded offer.  Turns out it was.  I had made several attempts throughout the final hours of the deadline to reach Daniel via PM to no avail.  I posted before the midnight deadline as an honest effort to OPERATE WITHIN THE POSTED RULES. 

The problem for me, and subsequent decision to leave, was cumulative.  You then have a follow up post by Rick that implies nefarious activity.  As Ernie can vouch for, I take my integrity very, very seriously and to have it questioned was the final straw.  To put in hours upon hours of work, trying to follow the letter of the law, have it not work out and THEN TO BE QUESTIONED ABOUT CHARACTER is not my idea of a "good time."  If Rick can not understand how intermittent server problems in the hours leading up to a trade deadline can be problematic, that is his problem.  I can, as can the other leagues, explain it to him, but I c an't understand it for him.  Rick has decided the best executive course of action is to dig is heels in the mud despite the rising tide.  Time shall tell if it was a good decision or not. 

League-mates: please make no mistake about my exit from is in no way forced.  100000000% my decision and my decision alone.  Like I said from the beginning, my goal in illustrating all of this was to bring to light an oppressive "mood" that has set itself over the league.  Perhaps with a couple infusions of common sense and human decency (an attempt made by Ernie and greatly appreciated by those keeping score at home), this league can return to its status as a ProFSL great. 

Franchise GM: Invalid Transactions / Re: Rays and Blue Jays???
« on: August 02, 2015, 11:27:02 PM »
DW and Sooner both responded to my inquiry in the chat.  If memory serves, you were not (or at least visible in the chat)around when I asked the question.  The fact that DW, as a standing TC member, approved the trade should validate my statements about nobody seeing anything "under the table" going on.  Not to mention the only problem with it a co-commish had was due to a west cosst time stamp, not a failure of execution of protocol.  Feel free to reference the dozens of people who were on that day and the other leagues' handling of the server issue for a template of how both "stringent rules" and "human touch" can blend seamlessly. 

As for Adam Jones, if you recall, I answered in the chat room that evening that I was under the impression that I had already extended him.  That recollection should put to bed your earlier assertation that I had "conveniently" left him off my re-sign list. 

Franchise GM: Invalid Transactions / Re: Rays and Blue Jays???
« on: August 02, 2015, 09:05:05 PM »
Fair enough, you dont like the Hoss reference, I dont like being accused of attempting nefarious behavior.  I even asked around in chat to see if a single post would suffice, and another long standing member thought it was. Nothing bull crap about it other than your terse handling of it.  I resign effective immediately, let someone else have some fun...

Franchise GM: Invalid Transactions / Re: Rays and Blue Jays???
« on: August 02, 2015, 06:56:35 PM »
I do things in the real world which prevent me from "stepping up to the plate" to the extent you suggest.  Let me ask you a question, HOSS (because apparently using all caps is more stern or scary).  Why is it, that as a co-commish, your ruling over-rode that of Flash?  Flash had no problems with the trade being posted by one side before the deadline.  I have the PM and time stamp explanation to prove it.  Can you answer that for me, HOSS?  Your contributions to DME and whatever league you mentioned have about as much to do with this situation in FGM as does my hours given to the coaching profession. Just because you do things I don't, that doesn't mean I put any less time into the site and its league.  Look that up, Hoss.  If you are looking for cookies, find your local Girl Scout post.   

Franchise GM: Invalid Transactions / Re: Rays and Blue Jays???
« on: August 02, 2015, 05:08:16 PM »
While your iron fist may be able to dictate in totality the terms of a struggling league, it can not dictate what constitutes "time spent" and what does not.  I do not need to "see whose is bigger" in regards to contribution to ProFSL.  It's funny how people like you throw around words like "guarantee" when speaking about things as subjective as time allocated to an activity.  You speak with such certainty and authority on subjects that can not be quantified.  Those with above average intellect can see through it for what it is.  As for the "time spent and enjoyment received from" question, I can assure you, I have received an IMMENSE amount of pleasure from my time here, and will continue to do so for a long time.  It's tyrants like you who lack ability to grasp the bigger picture that contribute to the negatives, few and far between as they may be...not the site itself.   

Franchise GM: Invalid Transactions / Re: Rays and Blue Jays???
« on: August 02, 2015, 03:08:54 PM »
Wasn't conveniently forgotten, simple mistake, I have him down in my books as a pending re-sign.  Try not to forget how you were let back into the league, on a technicality, Hoss.  Best of luck going forward with a league so near and dear to you, one you've quit already how many times?  You may want to have a few more replacements (perhaps from those yahoo boards you so despise) for season's know, just in case.   :toth:

Franchise GM: Invalid Transactions / Re: Rays and Blue Jays???
« on: August 02, 2015, 01:46:10 PM »
I don't care to hear about "fairness" to another owner.  As stated previously, I will step down effective the end of the season.  I can assure the team will be left in fine standing...

Edit: For the sake of transparency, the only "long-term" decision of any consequence is Victor Martinez.  Everyone else is locked up, a spare part, or a RP.
*Pending TB FA*
Victor Martinez
Andrew Romine
Jarrod Parker
Jacob Turner
Ross Ohlendorf
Kelvin Herrera
Drew Storen
Chad Qualls
Jason Frasor

Franchise GM: Invalid Transactions / Re: Rays and Blue Jays???
« on: August 02, 2015, 11:38:34 AM »
So let me make sure I understand this.  Two, as you stated, long-time members of FGM reach an agreement on a deal.  Due to circumstances outside of their control, they are unable (for a period of several hours directly preceding deadline) to communicate a final confirmation PM.  Once the site server is finally back up and running, one party clearly lays out the deal and the details in the transactions board after having waiting until the final moments hoping for a confirming PM.  Turns out, due to the server issues, our paths crossed.  Imagine a real-life GM not having a cell phone the day of the deadline due to circumstances none-his-own. 

Fast-forward several hours and you have a co-commissioner that signs off on the deal and the other GM who logs on to accept terms.  Nearly, if not all other leagues on the site extended the deadline many hours to a days' length time period to account for the site issues.  No issues at this point, right?  Apparently, wrong. 

I am at a complete loss to understand why this league continues to operate under such rigid and archaic standards.  When does common sense get allowed into the conversation?  This wasn't "car problems getting to a computer."  This was a site issue that prevented communication.  These are two GMs who've payed their dues and done their time, not fly-by-nighters trying to game the system.  Regardless, the handling of the situation has illustrated a bigger issue for me, which is what compelled me to speak out rather than just go along. 

I can no longer justify spending as much time as I do on a league that no longer provides me the joy it once did.  To invest hours, be it in a deal shot down by an over-reaching TC or  trades ambushed by technical glitches to the site and then have those hours count for literally no longer palatable.  I do not say any of this to cause problems for the league, quite literally the contrary.  I would like to see this league return to its glory days.  I hope this little note shakes some of the chains that bind it.  I will just watch from a distance at this point.

Effective the end of this season, I will be stepping down from my GM stake in the Rays and all positions on the staff.  It is not spilled milk, rather an accumulation of small instances that added up to an easy decision.  I bring this up now to give you guys the best opportunity to line up/recruit a replacement.  Best of luck boys, look forward to continue competing with many of you in the other various leagues!  :toast:

Franchise GM: Invalid Transactions / CI Victor Martinez (WAIVERS)
« on: August 02, 2015, 11:13:08 AM »

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  • dbreer23: Cris, there is a reason that you are a good owner, bc you can discern a value deal vs. a BS deal. Not all owners are that savvy. They will eventually leave...
    Yesterday at 12:42:49 PM
  • Brent: Nope, 32-team contract league.
    Yesterday at 12:49:09 PM
  • ldsjayhawk: I don't have Holiday.  Just used him as an example since he was the #1 prospect
    Yesterday at 12:56:05 PM
  • ldsjayhawk: @Alpha I do make trades.  I am just not giving up the entire farm to land a guy I can get out of the FA pool
    Yesterday at 12:59:21 PM
  • ldsjayhawk: Trading should be a win-win situation for both teams.
    Yesterday at 01:00:32 PM
  • dbreer23: Agreed. I think the Devers deal in FGM is a good example of that. Devers gives SD some now (and future) pop, giving up substantial pieces to get him (Mayo, Keith, and one other).
    Yesterday at 01:03:48 PM
  • Brent: I had Holliday in FGM before I stepped away.
    Yesterday at 01:24:07 PM
  • Brent: I am glad I cut back on leagues, I was spread too thin.
    Yesterday at 01:24:25 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: @idsjayhawk i understand that. To be clear, i wasnt judging anyone. I just know in NFL Live, you cant just draft 1-7 rds every year and sign a few FAs and be the champion. It wont happen
    Yesterday at 01:52:08 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: Trading isnt easy. But neither is winning
    Yesterday at 01:52:22 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: If you made a list of the most aggressive gms to have stepped foot in nfl live, you will notice the champions will be among them
    Yesterday at 01:53:06 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: You arent gonna win every trade and you HAVE to have a plan. Ive made some horrible trades. I have every year
    Yesterday at 01:53:50 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: Carolina has kyren williams right now cause i traded him for a 2nd and a 4th. Id rather have kyren today lol
    Yesterday at 01:54:28 PM
  • Brent: Agreed.  I have Amon Ra St. Brown and Aiyuk because I traded JJ.  I couldn't have acquired a player like ASB where I was picking in the 1st so I down tiered at WR to make a trio of Chase, ASB and Aiyuk instead of JJ, Chase and fill in the blank.
    Yesterday at 02:09:02 PM
  • ldsjayhawk: That is probably even more true in baseball since your drafts don't payoff for 5 years or so.  And I will admit my conservatism may be the reason I only have one championship here at ProFSL
    Yesterday at 02:10:04 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: jwalkerjr88 is right
    Yesterday at 02:25:49 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: on that u havat trade a bit here and there
    Yesterday at 02:25:57 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: although my last draft class and fa class kinda lead me to a run so it can happen
    Yesterday at 02:27:21 PM
  • Brent: Yeah, it does help to have a big draft class and available cap.
    Yesterday at 02:36:56 PM
  • Brent: I'm contemplating doing a complete tear down in NFL Live and rebuild.  Honestly, I probably should have postered for it to be this season.  I still might, but I would legit need to go into the draft with 3-4 top 10 picks/+ many others.
    Yesterday at 02:38:21 PM
  • Brent: postured
    Yesterday at 02:38:35 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: Yea nailing drafts and some key FAs helps too. But if you remember BAB you traded alvin kamara for the rams 1-7 draft picks. So the extra picks helped you nail the 2023 draft the way you did
    Yesterday at 03:13:02 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: Its the combination of all three that is required is what im saying
    Yesterday at 03:13:31 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: And brent a tear down with you assets would look interesting. Personally i just think you need break one big asset down into 3 good ones and move carr and go from there. But you have an A1 nfl mind so im sure you will nail whatever it is you decide
    Yesterday at 03:14:39 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: *your
    Yesterday at 03:14:50 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: very good pt yes i did gain lot of capital which propelled me to make more moves from that trade
    Yesterday at 03:34:25 PM
  • Brent: Thank you.  Yes, I agree.  I do need to break one asset down to 3.  I did that with JJ, went from S tier to 2 A tiers.  Now I need to potentially go from an A tier to 3 Bs or something like that.  I've had some inquiries on Carr, but nothing worth moving him.
    Yesterday at 03:48:17 PM
  • Alpha5: Guarantee I know who he traded Kamara to for 1-7 without even looking
    Yesterday at 05:22:42 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: alpha it was a good trade at the time
    Yesterday at 05:29:49 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: my team was in the Crapter at that pt
    Yesterday at 05:29:58 PM
  • Brent: Who did you draft with the 1st acquired in that trade?
    Yesterday at 05:36:34 PM
  • Daddy: Whoever it was, he got six more choices on top of that. The "win win" scenario.
    Yesterday at 05:53:04 PM
  • Daddy: At that time i had no RB1. So i traded an entire draft class to get one.
    Yesterday at 05:54:10 PM
  • Daddy: SF doubled up his pick haul and went to work, using them in trades & draft return.
    Yesterday at 05:54:46 PM
  • Daddy: Then beat me in the NFC Title game.
    Yesterday at 05:55:32 PM
  • Daddy: RB is a hard position to nail down. If someone wants to trade me 1-7 for Kamara. Step right up.
    Yesterday at 06:02:30 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: I gotta see what I did
    Yesterday at 06:05:04 PM
  • Daddy: You got better
    Yesterday at 06:13:59 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: i did so many moves trades and draft that i honestly dunno
    Yesterday at 06:18:48 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: This is the way
    Yesterday at 06:21:33 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: I could teach how I did what I did
    Yesterday at 07:33:36 PM
  • STLBlues91: ill be around for a few hours today. Wont be around tomorrow until late
    Yesterday at 07:37:07 PM
  • TheGOAT: Thank God that there are 3 really good qb options in the draft. Can't imagine a world with Bo Nix as my frachise qb
    Yesterday at 08:12:51 PM
  • TheGOAT: Not that hes bad
    Yesterday at 08:13:06 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: think rn my qb room is minshew dobbs wentz
    Yesterday at 08:22:37 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: We look forward to your return to the playoffs @Thegoat
    Yesterday at 08:22:51 PM
  • Jwalkerjr88: You and your brother camw in guns blazing a few years back. The NFC is not the gauntlet the AFC is. Once you make the title game, all bets are off
    Yesterday at 08:23:33 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: nfc is still tough
    Yesterday at 08:25:23 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: i had a tough road
    Yesterday at 08:25:37 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: to get to teh ship lot of good teams i knocked out
    Yesterday at 08:25:50 PM