ProFSL: Pro Fantasy Sports Leagues

Professional Dynasty GM Locker Room => NHL DYNASTY GM HOME => Dynasty NHL => Topic started by: Rob on June 26, 2011, 04:46:52 PM

Title: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Rob on June 26, 2011, 04:46:52 PM
If you'd like to join Dynasty NHL please complete the following:

Fantrax ID:
Years of fantasy experience:
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past?
How did you find ProFSL?
Favorite NHL team:
Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: E.J. on June 26, 2011, 05:10:34 PM
Name: E.J.
Fantrax ID: ejh1528
Team:Colorado Avalanche

P.S. Damn you Rob!!!!
P.S.S This is gonna be rape and murder!!!!!!
Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: papps on June 26, 2011, 05:48:26 PM
Name: Chris Pappalardo
Fantrax ID: papps
Team: Philadelphia Flyers
Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: cho34 on June 26, 2011, 11:20:28 PM
Name: Juancho F.
Fantrax ID: cho34
Team: Pittsburgh Penguins
Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: winter on June 27, 2011, 12:06:30 AM
Name: Thomas Daniels
Fantrax ID: winter
Team: Edmonton Oilers

Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: Fantasy Nightmares on June 27, 2011, 01:06:04 PM
Name:brandon ryan
Fantrax ID:fantasynightmares
Team:Tampa Bay Lightning
Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: Anthony on June 27, 2011, 04:44:43 PM
Anthony Guags
Fantrax - gocubsgo7
Chicago Blackhawks
Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: shooter47 on June 27, 2011, 04:59:13 PM
Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: BrewCrew on June 27, 2011, 05:01:32 PM
Name: sam valenti
Fantrax ID: tfence
Team: Kings
Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: Shelby on June 27, 2011, 05:35:45 PM
Name: Eric Audoyer
Fantrax ID: shelby13
Team: San Jose Sharks
Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: izaman3 on June 27, 2011, 11:38:32 PM
Name: Ian Zaman
Fantrax id: izaman3
Team: Red Wings
Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: drusteeby on June 27, 2011, 11:46:20 PM
Name: Dru Steeby
Fantrax ID: drusteeby
Team: Vancouver Canucks
Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: BeanTown on June 28, 2011, 08:22:45 AM
Name: Tyler Putt
Fantrax ID: putty
Team: Anaheim Ducks
Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: SizzRat on June 28, 2011, 01:29:06 PM
Name: John Donahue
Fantrax ID: SizzRat
Team: Buffalo Sabres
Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: kangol on June 28, 2011, 01:44:24 PM
Name: Kurt Varangu
Fantrax ID: kangol
Team: Toronto ML
Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: Tarheels55 on June 28, 2011, 10:10:04 PM
Name:Dave Martin
Fantrax ID:tarheels55
Team:Dallas Stars

Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: Norther Fire on June 29, 2011, 02:20:46 PM
Name: John B
Fantrax ID: Northern Fire
Team: Calgary Flames

Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: shooter47 on June 29, 2011, 02:28:53 PM
Name: Bob Smith
Fantrax ID: shooter47
Team: St. Louis Blues
Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: Whomp on June 30, 2011, 07:10:02 AM
Name: Bill Reiter
Fantrax ID: Whomp
Team: Montreal Canadiens
Title: Re: Signup for Dynasty NHL!
Post by: Rob on June 30, 2011, 09:05:06 AM
Name: Corey Smith
Fantrax ID: GypsideDeathbringer
Team: Carolina Hurricanes
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: tt_rae on July 03, 2011, 04:01:09 PM
Name: Trae
Fantrax ID: tt_rae
Team: Philadelphia Flyers
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: Gilly on July 06, 2011, 09:01:20 AM
Name: Mike Gillmore
Fantrax ID: GillyTheHockeyGod
Team: Doesn't matter :)
Why:  Im active beyond belief...I love hockey and want to part of any leagues that have available spots....:) Go Gilly Go
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: sdobelman21 on July 11, 2011, 06:26:20 PM
Name: Sean Dobelman
Fantrax ID: Sdobelman21
Team: Doesn't matter
Why:  Hockey is my favorite sport, I check every few hours to stay on top of my game.
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: Colorjazz on July 13, 2011, 08:37:55 PM
Name: chris plante
Fantrax ID: colorjazz
Team: columbus, or any other team
Why? I eat, live and sleep hockey. Oh, yeah, i fart it too! :)
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: Jesse on September 17, 2011, 07:50:10 AM
Hey Rob sign me up as a Temporary GM in case someone goes inactive I will take over until u find a replacement. I don't want to take a team over permanently though
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: Rob on September 17, 2011, 07:52:42 AM
Hey Rob sign me up as a Temporary GM in case someone goes inactive I will take over until u find a replacement. I don't want to take a team over permanently though

Cool, thanks Jesse.  This could come in handy if someone disappears.
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: Jesse on September 17, 2011, 07:54:21 AM
No problem I don't mind helping out
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: Rob on October 04, 2011, 01:58:18 PM
Name: Karl James
Fantrax ID: kjames1973
Team: Detroit Red Wings
Would like to join and was referred from sizzrat.

Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: Rob on November 09, 2011, 04:20:05 PM
Hey Robo,
my fantrax id is kjames1973
I was advise a day or two ago that the red wings were available through my email
Can you hook me up with the red wings?
How do I view the wings?

Unfortunately the Wings are not available.  The Detroit owner is very active and I don't see him going anywhere.

I'll keep you posted of any other openings.  You're at the top of the waiting list.
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: cloud91 on November 10, 2011, 04:48:45 AM
Name: celso villanueva jr
Fantrax ID: cloudzell91
Team:  ******
,,,,signing up On the Waiting List if there is an open team or if there will be an  expansion team on the league........
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: marknhammy on January 21, 2012, 05:39:42 PM
Fantrax ID:Marknhammy
I'll take any team
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: Tubbs on March 20, 2012, 03:38:49 PM
Tubbs wants in....any team.
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: sportsdoc55 on April 16, 2012, 11:13:44 AM
Name: sportsdoc55
Fantrax ID: sportsdoc55
Team:Any team available or expansion>NY Rangers

Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: Eric on April 22, 2012, 01:40:36 AM
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: hockeyfreak47 on May 02, 2012, 05:26:30 PM
Name: Martin
Fantrax ID: hockeyfreak47
ProFSL ID: hockeyfreak47
Team : any team available

i am a daily active member here on ProFSL
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: bridgestone on May 05, 2012, 11:34:01 AM
Name: Mike Bridgestone
Fantrax ID:  Bridgestone20112012
Years of fantasy experience:  To Many
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past?  Yes
How did you find ProFSL?  Past member who's back!
Favorite NHL team:  Chicago, Any Team Is Fine Though
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: irbwilleo on May 15, 2012, 10:19:01 PM
Name: Brenton
Fantrax ID:  irbwilleo
Years of fantasy experience:  10
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past?  Yes
How did you find ProFSL?  Internet add
Favorite NHL team:  Nashville!
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: Jesse on June 04, 2012, 01:15:05 PM
Rob put me on the waiting list :)
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: axman15 on August 22, 2012, 04:02:33 PM
Name- Alex
Fantrax ID- axman15
Years Playing: 3
Have you ever played in a dynasty? Yes
Team- Any that is available
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: cattledog on January 22, 2013, 02:07:13 PM

Name- Jim Stacy
Fantrax ID- cattledog
Years Playing: 13
Have you ever played in a dynasty? Yes
Team- Any that is available

Please put me on waiting list if possible.

Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Vollmernator on April 03, 2013, 03:46:23 PM
Look at below message
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Waiting List
Post by: Vollmernator on April 03, 2013, 08:12:43 PM
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: markpion on May 04, 2013, 05:17:56 PM
Hi there. Name's Mark Pion, 40, from Montreal and a huge hockey fan. Got over 23 years of fantasy sports experience. Would love a chance to turn a franchise around. E-mail is i'm not always on the site). Look forward to hearing from you. Take care. Thanks.
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Capn Cally on May 29, 2013, 03:48:47 PM
If you'd like to join Dynasty NHL please complete the following:
Fantrax ID:
Years of fantasy experience:
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past?
How did you find ProFSL?
Favorite NHL team:

Been PM'ing with Rob, but here's the info:

Name: CC
Fantrax ID: RC_NYR
Years of fantasy experience: 8+
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Message board somewhere / A GM in a Yahoo Keeper league
Favorite NHL team: No "#1 favorite" ... Mostly a hockey fan with favorite players. Liked NYR but now Torts is gone... He's half the fun of that team, love the post-game interviews!

Looks like SJS needs some TLC (and a lot of trades), so guess I'll be busy this summer tending to this franchise!
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Rob on May 29, 2013, 04:15:44 PM
Favorite NHL team: No "#1 favorite" ... Mostly a hockey fan with favorite players. Liked NYR but now Torts is gone... He's half the fun of that team, love the post-game interviews!

I love Torts!  Hopefully he gets a new gig soon.  He's entertaining!
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Rob on September 03, 2013, 11:12:06 AM
Is here any team available??? 25 italian NHL fan! 4 years fantasy player. I already have a Fantrax account! Let me now something ASAP! Thx


Nothing open at the moment.  If that changes I'll let you know.

Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: jerry9313 on December 13, 2013, 10:05:43 PM
Name: Jerry
Fantrax ID: jerry9313
Years of fantasy experience: 13
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? yes
How did you find ProFSL? friend
Favorite NHL team: Blackhawks
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: jlapo11 on December 28, 2013, 12:31:49 PM
Name: Jean L
Fantrax ID: jlapo11
Years of fantasy experience: 10
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Active in other leagues
Favorite NHL team: Saint-Louis and Nordiques (in a near future). Any team available
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: zeus1604 on February 07, 2014, 05:48:47 AM
Name: Andrea Sergi
Fantrax ID: zeus1604
Years of fantasy experience: 5
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Fantrax
Active in other leagues
Favorite NHL team: Capitals. Any team available
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Grkgodofwalks on March 18, 2014, 08:16:20 AM
Name: Brandon
Fantrax ID: grkgodofwalks
Years of fantasy experience: 15+
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Fantrax, Rotoworld league finder as well. 
Favorite NHL team: Buffalo Sabres, any team available.
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Rob on March 18, 2014, 09:28:40 AM
Fantrax ID: grkgodofwalks

Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: mike0542 on April 04, 2014, 03:39:37 PM
Name: Mike C
Fantrax ID: mike0542
Years of fantasy experience: 5
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? yes
How did you find ProFSL? espn forums
Favorite NHL team: Philadelphia Flyers
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Shelby on May 16, 2014, 03:23:14 PM
Name: Shelby / Eric
Fantrax ID: shelby13
Years of fantasy experience: 5
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? yes, hère with the Sharks
How did you find ProFSL? Yahoo forum contact with Sir Rob  :toth:
Favorite NHL team: Blackhawks

Would like to take the Oilers
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: JFlapo on July 28, 2014, 09:06:58 AM
Name: Jean-François
Fantrax ID: JFlapo
Years of fantasy experience: 8
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past?
How did you find ProFSL? Yes
Favorite NHL team: Philadelphia
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Rob on July 28, 2014, 09:09:50 AM
Name: Jean-François
Fantrax ID: JFlapo
Years of fantasy experience: 8
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past?
How did you find ProFSL? Yes
Favorite NHL team: Philadelphia

Related to jlapo?
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: JFlapo on July 28, 2014, 09:14:33 AM
Related to jlapo?

YES, is my father
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Rob on July 28, 2014, 09:26:24 AM
YES, is my father

Excellent.  I'll get you in as soon as we have an opening.
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: JFlapo on July 28, 2014, 09:31:04 AM
Excellent.  I'll get you in as soon as we have an opening.

Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Brian on September 19, 2014, 07:30:28 PM
brian graley
12years fantasy exp
co-comish in fantrax right now
got in here threw eric in his league

fan of pittsburgh and columbus
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Grkgodofwalks on January 25, 2015, 07:39:26 AM
Name: Brandon James
Fantrax ID: TheCerebral1
Years of fantasy experience: 15
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL?  Other league (The Farm) also via Fantrax
Active in other leagues
Favorite NHL team: Buffalo Sabres and Vancouver Canucks.  Any team would suffice. 
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Eric on January 27, 2015, 09:44:36 AM
Name: Eric
Fantrax ID: ejh1528
Years of fantasy experience: 15
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Colby
Favorite NHL team: :COL-NHL:

I know I've been here in the past and that may hurt me, but things have calmed down in my life a bit. Would be great to be back in the league.


Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Leatherhelmets on March 13, 2015, 07:31:41 PM
Name: Mac
Fantrax ID: LeatherHelmets
Years of fantasy experience: 15
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Google search, looking for fantasy forums
Favorite NHL team:  Boston.
In the BackYard, Mountain to Glory NHL
New to fantasy hockey since 2014, mainly have been in football, pro/college over the years, tried hockey and liked it!
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Drew on April 18, 2015, 07:47:37 PM
Rob I may be interested in coming back depending on if something is available.
Fantrax id: dross1
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Rob on April 20, 2015, 10:09:17 AM
Rob I may be interested in coming back depending on if something is available.
Fantrax id: dross1

You are 1st on my list good sir!
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: 50Shades on June 09, 2015, 05:54:50 PM
If you'd like to join Dynasty NHL please complete the following:

Name:  Jack Schofield
Fantrax ID:  50Shades2015
Years of fantasy experience: 25+
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past?  Yes
How did you find ProFSL?   Yahoo
Favorite NHL team:   Boston
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: BAMF on June 23, 2015, 04:43:37 PM
Name: Mitch
Email: Available upon request
Years of fantasy experience: 10 years
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Bored one day
Favorite NHL team: Tampa Bay
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Brian on June 24, 2015, 09:34:07 AM
2+ yrs in fantasy baseball and football
Yes in baseball and football never did a hockey one
Was told about this place threw Eric
Pittsburgh but it really doesn't matter
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Eric on July 30, 2015, 09:43:03 PM
Name: Eric
Fantrax ID: ejh1528
Years of fantasy experience: 15 years or so
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Don't remember
Favorite NHL team: :COL-NHL:

I'd be happy to have another chance at this league, was one of my favorites :)
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Ydomat on August 11, 2015, 02:02:21 AM
If you'd like to join Dynasty NHL please complete the following:

Name:  Scott
Fantrax ID: Ydomat
Years of fantasy experience: 12+
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? From a friend
Favorite NHL team: St. Louis Blues

I would love to join this league if there is room!!! :) looking to join a few and get more experience!
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Juicelaw_WI on October 07, 2015, 05:26:33 PM

Name:  D.J.
Fantrax ID: Juicelaw_WI
Years of fantasy experience: 16+
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Random Online Search
Favorite NHL team: None
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: cloud91 on April 12, 2016, 04:07:08 AM
Name:  Celso
Fantrax ID: Cloudzell91
Years of fantasy experience: 9+
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? A member refered me here
Favorite NHL team: :ANA:

...will manage any available team..

Title: Re: I have changed my mind.
Post by: Ric_2227 on May 07, 2016, 11:22:49 AM
I have changed my mind.
Sorry I have realized that I don't have enough time to enter in a second league. I'll stick to one league.

Thanks  :doh:
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: JFlapo on June 01, 2016, 04:31:58 PM
 Name: JF lapointe
Fantrax: JFlapo
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes in many league for the last 5 years
How did you find ProFSL? family and friends.
Team: any team available.
Favorite NHL team: Philadelphia

Please take me :)
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: zephyr22 on December 13, 2016, 06:16:38 AM
Name: Ceri
Fantrax: zephyr22
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes, more than 10 years
How did you find ProFSL? Already in other leagues but referred to this one by a friend in the league
Team: Any
Favorite NHL team: San Jose Sharks
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Eric on December 13, 2016, 01:34:54 PM
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Brian on January 26, 2017, 09:43:38 PM
Been in this site seems like lifetime. Im already in fnhl as wild and sharks and would like to get into another hockey site.
Any team
Have two favorite teams columbus and  wild
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Thecliff on February 01, 2017, 06:08:24 PM
If you'd like to join Dynasty NHL please complete the following:

Name: Thecliff
Fantrax ID: Thecliff
Years of fantasy experience:  17 yrs
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Member for years
Favorite NHL team:  Detroit Redwings
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Shelby on March 17, 2017, 07:03:03 PM
Name:  shelby
Fantrax ID: diehardmetsfan44
Years of fantasy experience: 7
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? By Rob in a yahoo forum a long time ago
Favorite NHL team: Bruins
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: SteenGM on April 06, 2017, 04:35:26 PM
Hi I have no idea if a team is even available but I figured id put my post in here anyway just to see.

Name: Matt
Fantrax ID: matt25x
Years of fantasy experience: 5
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Joined a MLB Dynasty League (Bush League) through rotoworld fourms
Favorite NHL team: Flyers
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Dahhlinda on April 13, 2017, 11:22:35 AM
Name: Mike
Fantrax ID: Dahhlinda
Years of fantasy experience: 8
Played in a dynasty league before: no
How'd you find profsl:  Rob
Favorite NHL team: bruins
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: BigD on April 23, 2017, 08:53:09 PM
Name  Don
I'd. BigDSports
Experience 15-20 yrs
Been mine
Favorite team  stlouis
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: whiteghost on May 28, 2017, 09:59:29 AM
Name: Rob
Fantrax ID: whiteghost
Years of fantasy experience: 10
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Boards
Favorite NHL team: Canucks
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Gilly on February 14, 2018, 04:03:42 PM
If you'd like to join Dynasty NHL please complete the following:

Name:   Gilly
Fantrax ID:  GillyTheHockeyGod
Years of fantasy experience:  10+
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past?  Yes
How did you find ProFSL?  Lifer
Favorite NHL team:  Washington but I will take any team available, prefer a rebuild but anything works.

I know of the past as does everyone else, I just wanna enjoy fantasy again with the boys.  I understand I would be on a fine line and watched carefully.  Thanks for considering me.
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: abbyroad on April 04, 2018, 11:43:06 PM

Name: Drew
Fantrax ID: abbyroad
Years of fantasy experience: 5+
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL?  A friend
Favorite NHL team: Calgary

Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: tanager on May 03, 2018, 08:50:21 AM
Name: Barry
Fantrax ID: sealbc
Years of fantasy experience: 20yrs
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL?  search
Favorite NHL team: Detriot
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: janesvilleaces on May 06, 2018, 12:40:19 PM
10 plus years
Been around for a couple years
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: whiteghost on May 16, 2018, 09:57:43 AM
Name: Rob
Fantrax ID: whiteghost
Years of fantasy experience: 10yrs
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL?  search
Favorite NHL team: Vancouver
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Vanadio on June 29, 2018, 04:22:54 PM
Lookinf for a NHL League, so any available team will be welcomed

Name: Gonzalo
Fantrax ID: Vanadio
Years of fantasy experience: 5
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past?: Yes
How did you find ProFSL?: Maybe some post in reddit, not sure.
Favorite NHL team: Let's say Coyotes (My only fav team in sports are the DBacks, so....)
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: cho34 on January 17, 2019, 04:41:57 PM
Name: cho
Fantrax ID: cho34
Years of fantasy experience: lost count
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? yes
How did you find ProFSL? on yahoo
Favorite NHL team: Red Wings
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: SlackJack on January 17, 2019, 09:36:37 PM
Name: cho
Fantrax ID: cho34
Years of fantasy experience: lost count
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? yes
How did you find ProFSL? on yahoo
Favorite NHL team: Red Wings
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: norrya66 on January 25, 2019, 04:29:10 PM
Name: Ryan
Fantrax ID: ryan_nornhold
Years of fantasy experience: 20 ish
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Used to be in the league
Favorite NHL team: Caps

Hopefully some of you remember me. When I went away about 3 years ago I had a lot going on. Just got married, kid on the way, new job, etc. Things have finally slowed down and looking to get back in a solid NHL league. Hope Rob will consider me! Thanks
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Rob on January 25, 2019, 05:01:22 PM
Name: Ryan
Fantrax ID: ryan_nornhold
Years of fantasy experience: 20 ish
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Used to be in the league
Favorite NHL team: Caps

Hopefully some of you remember me. When I went away about 3 years ago I had a lot going on. Just got married, kid on the way, new job, etc. Things have finally slowed down and looking to get back in a solid NHL league. Hope Rob will consider me! Thanks

Ryan! I thought you died or something.
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: curtmenefee47 on June 23, 2019, 11:19:52 AM
Name: curtis
Fantrax ID: curtismcpeek
Email: curtislmcpeek
Years of fantasy experience: 10 is
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? no
How did you find ProFSL? google
Favorite NHL team: Bruins
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Thecliff on July 11, 2019, 12:45:19 AM

Name: Cliff W.
Fantrax ID: Thecliff
Years of fantasy experience:18 years
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Have been a member for years
Favorite NHL team: Detroit Red Wings
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Denise51 on August 02, 2019, 12:05:53 PM
Name: Denise Houston
Fantrax ID: Denise51
Years of fantasy experience: 4 years
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Google search
Favorite NHL team: Washington only because of #8
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: cloud91 on February 06, 2020, 01:31:24 AM
Name:  Celso
Fantrax ID: Cloudzell91
Years of fantasy experience: 14yrs
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? A member referred me here
Favorite NHL team: :ANA:

...will manage any available team opens..

Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: hockeygoon33 on February 24, 2020, 02:14:16 PM
Name: Art. A
Fantrax ID: Dirty_Sanchez00
Years of fantasy experience: 10+
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes.
How did you find ProFSL? Already a member.
Favorite NHL team: LAK
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: BigD on October 29, 2020, 04:44:02 AM
Name Donald M
Fantrax bigdsports i think
Exp.over 25 yrs
Fav team buffalo
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: BMar on November 02, 2020, 05:37:50 PM
If you'd like to join Dynasty NHL please complete the following:

Fantrax ID:
Years of fantasy experience:
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past?
How did you find ProFSL?
Favorite NHL team:
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: BigD on November 03, 2020, 04:22:30 AM
Name Donald
Fantrax bigdsports
Exp about 25 yrs
Dynasty.yes many yrs
Fav team buffalo st louis
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: BigD on November 09, 2020, 08:23:08 PM
Still intrested if any openings
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Juicelaw_WI on November 21, 2020, 05:50:20 PM
Name: D.J.
Fantrax ID: Juicelaw_WI
Years of fantasy experience: 20 years or so
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Current/Past participation
Favorite NHL team: Blackhawks
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Dizzy on November 27, 2020, 02:06:57 PM
I'll throw my hat in the ring for Dynasty NHL. I see I'm down on the waitlist so just let me know when an opening may eventually pop up.
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Geezer66 on February 04, 2021, 08:00:56 AM
30 yrs exp
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Dizzy on April 26, 2021, 04:58:48 PM
I'll throw my hat in the ring for Dynasty NHL. I see I'm down on the waitlist so just let me know when an opening may eventually pop up.

Still would love to be part of this league - heard nothing but great amazing things about it!!
(Sorry I know to some of you I was loose cannon over in PDH early in the year but I was just uber excited about a brand new league!)
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: jimw on May 28, 2021, 03:37:15 PM
Name: Jim
Fantrax ID: ffdc76
Years of fantasy experience: 25+
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes, baseball
How did you find ProFSL? Saw an advertisement for this league
Favorite NHL team: Capitals
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: DinkyCarsPlus on June 02, 2021, 02:37:36 PM
Sorry I?m gonna pass on this league I?ll sign up for a football league instead
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Jordan_027 on June 30, 2021, 05:19:49 PM

Name: jordan
Fantrax ID:
Years of fantasy experience: 3
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Keeper leagues yes, dynasty no
How did you find ProFSL? Fantrax forums
Favorite NHL team: winnipeg jets
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Pepsiking on July 08, 2021, 05:45:01 PM
Name:Troy Stewart
Fantrax ID: pepsiking
Years of fantasy experience: 20+
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? yes
How did you find ProFSL? rotoworld forum
Favorite NHL team: New Jersey Devils
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: BigD on August 08, 2021, 04:17:51 PM
Name. Donald Monroe
Id bigdsports or
Yr 20 plus
Been a member off in on
Dynasty yes many many
Fav Buffalo
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: jmatthew on September 08, 2021, 11:25:04 PM
Name: James
Fantrax ID: jmatthews417
Years of fantasy experience: 15+ (but just getting back after a few years)
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Was on here YEARS ago before having to step away from fantasy due to time constraints, was glad to see site is still around
Favorite NHL team: Bruins
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: davinci_ascent on December 09, 2021, 02:43:55 PM
Name: jeff
Fantrax ID:
Years of fantasy experience:  10+
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? yes (although not hockey)
How did you find ProFSL? been member
Favorite NHL team: Seattle Kraken

After many years of fantasy baseball (and more than a few football seasons mixed in), I'd like to break some new ground and join a hockey league.
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: uli1777 on July 15, 2022, 09:03:37 AM
Name: Yulian
Fantrax ID: uli971
Years of fantasy experience: 8
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? - Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Reddit / I'm the Celtics in CCD
Favorite NHL team: Pittsburgh Penguins
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Cedricc21 on July 26, 2022, 10:23:59 AM
Name: Cedric
Fantrax ID: Cedricc21
Years of fantasy experience: 10+
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? - Yes
How did you find ProFSL? New to it, found with this league
Favorite NHL team: Montreal Canadiens
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Brody on September 28, 2022, 05:30:26 PM
Name: Brody
Fantrax ID: Brodyj226
Years of fantasy experience:  12
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Played here formerly
Favorite NHL team: Bruins
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: OppoTaco on December 18, 2022, 08:18:18 PM
Name: Lincoln M
Fantrax ID: oppotaco47
Years of fantasy experience: 10
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? yes
How did you find ProFSL? google
Favorite NHL team: Bruins
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: jschwab on January 12, 2023, 05:03:11 PM
Name: John
Fantrax ID: jschwab
Years of fantasy experience: 15+
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? yes
How did you find ProFSL? already here  :)
Favorite NHL team: Flyers or now Kraken
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: dedreger on April 21, 2023, 11:03:58 AM
Hello.  I'm interested in turning my league retirement into a 1-season sabbatical.

If there are open or inactive teams, please let me know.  Thanks.

Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Rob on April 21, 2023, 11:05:30 AM
Hello.  I'm interested in turning my league retirement into a 1-season sabbatical.

If there are open or inactive teams, please let me know.  Thanks.

Hell yea, Dan!  We'd be glad to have you back.  We're just hitting the offseason.  If there's any vacancies you're first in line. 
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: dedreger on April 21, 2023, 11:07:25 AM
Hell yea, Dan!  We'd be glad to have you back.  We're just hitting the offseason.  If there's any vacancies you're first in line.

Sounds good.  I'm around.

Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Bigdon on June 22, 2023, 04:38:13 PM
Name Donald
Fantrax I'd bigdsports or use email
Dynasty yes
Hockey over 20
League on profile
Team St Louis blues
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Renegade on June 28, 2023, 10:03:22 PM
Name ?-Bob Code
Fantrax ID?Renegade
Fav.Teams? Edmonton and Flyers.  :win:
Yrs Playing?-  20
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Renegade on August 07, 2023, 02:03:38 PM
Still no openings?
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Brody on October 11, 2023, 07:32:23 PM
Name: Brody
Fantrax ID: Brodyj226
Years of fantasy experience:  12
Have you played in a dynasty league in the past? Yes
How did you find ProFSL? Played here formerly
Favorite NHL team: Bruins

Checking to see if any teams are open?
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Rob on October 12, 2023, 08:40:41 AM
Checking to see if any teams are open?

Still full - I'll definitely reach out if we have an opening.
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Brody on October 12, 2023, 02:31:18 PM
Sounds good thanks.
Title: Re: Dynasty NHL Signup/Waiting List
Post by: Bigdon on January 15, 2024, 07:39:49 PM
Team ...St Louis Chicago

Any openings team